Chapter 3

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As I pulled up in front of the park I noticed Drew's car parked right across from me. I turned off the car then got out and looked around and spotted him buying ice cream. I made sure my doors were locked before I made my way over to him.

"Hey Drew what's up" I said as I stepped up beside him.

"You know I hate when you do that Cat" he said laughing. "But nothing.. I'm guessing the kids are at his house?"  yeah me and him established a rule we don't say his name. Ever. 

"Yup...." I said sticking my hands in my back pockets.

"What happened?" he asked sighing, he knows when somethings bothering me and he never gives up until he finds out. He says it's better to talk about your problems than to keep them inside.

"I stayed at my moms house ya know to catch up with her and everything and the doorbell rang I wasn't thinking it was him coming so soon because I wasn't even there that long, but boy was I wrong cause he was there and he wasn't alone" 

"Who was he with?"

"Some girl who apparently my kids call Ms.Jaileen"

"And how do you feel about that?"

"I don't know....when I saw him all my feelings for him came slamming back into my memory and everything I worked so hard to forget came back but I couldn't bring myself to say anything and neither did he we just stared at each other, it's like I wanted to say something but I couldn't because I just didn't know what to say to him." I said honestly.

"I mean honestly that was your first love and you never forget them no matter how hard you try yeah you can push them to the back of your mind but their always there whether you want them to be or not... honestly I think you should talk to him at least hear what he has to say and if you still feel the same way you did 4 years ago then by all means necessary cut him off and keep up what you've been doing but give it another shot" he said sitting next to me on the bench.

I took a moment to think about what he said and he was right but I'm just not ready for it, I wasn't even ready to see him today but I guess the rest of the world thought I was ready for it.

"Your right but I don't think I'm capable to hold a conversation with him just yet cause knowing myself all the feelings I've felt when I cut him and everyone off will come out and that kind of anger should never be released." I said shaking my head slightly.

"Which is why tomorrow I'm taking ya ass boxing get out some of that anger in you and you need to start working out again"

"Are you tryna call me fat Drew cause we can fight!" I said playfully.

"Nooo I would never call you fat you just got all the right junk in all the right places" he said laughing.

"See there you go quoting songs and shit I'ma hit you"

"Chill save all that for the ring ma" 

"Yeah suuure but c'mon I'm starving and I know you are too so lunch is on me" I said standing up and then I spotted the cotton candy guy whose almost always here. I looked at him and held up one finger then took off in the direction of the stand and bought 4 bags of blue cotton candy. What I still love cotton candy! 

"You seriously sprinted ya ass to get some cotton candy Kitten really???" he asked standing up as I came back.

"Yeeeessss now let's go and get some food" we walked back to our cars and headed to the rib spot downtown.

If you haven't noticed by now this is customary for me and Drew we meet up chill for a little go eat then it's either back to my house or his and we watch movies until whenever one of us falls asleep or decides to leave.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now