Chapter 26

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I am never going anywhere with August Anthony Alsina EVER again!!! This man just don't know how to act, he went off on the guy selling the tickets cause he looked at me too long then he went off on the guy at the concessions because he asked me if I wanted extra butter on my popcorn like please calm all that down! But then again I can't say much because the group of chicks from the parking lot got what they deserved, because they dead started flirting with August like if I wasn't standing right there he looked at them like they lost their minds and looked back at me, one of those little girls almost got my heel in her face because she wanted to have a comeback like no no I talk you listen sweet heart.

But all on all I had a great night with Bae that movie was amazing I won't be a spoiler and ruin the movie for those who haven't seen it yet we can discuss those details on a later date, right now we're in the car headed home blasting our music and singing even though it's like 1 something in the morning.

"Hey babe we should go to the club" August said looking over at me.

"Go to the club a..never mind yeah let's go to the club just don't drink to much I will not be carrying your heavy ass back to this car." I said making my way for 20 Below, I didn't feel like driving back down to Spades tonight when I pulled up I got out and put the keys in my pocket and walked in with August right on my heels holding onto my waist.

As soon as we got in we headed right for the dance floor because well, Cat likes to shake what her mama gave her and her husband loves it too. After we danced to a couple of songs we went to the bar and got something to I of course had to take something that had zero alcohol, a few people came up and asked for autographs but that's nothing new it happens everywhere we go.

"Babe you know what I just realized?" Aug said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"What did you just realize?" I say while looking up at him. He looked down at me and smiled.

"How much trouble I would be in if I never met you and had a family, I would still be out in these clubs smoking and drinking my life away, messing with these thots and probably ruining my career you seriously pushed me crazy hard even before we started going out to keep grinding and doing what I gotta do" I smiled and pecked his lips.

"I pushed you that hard because that's what a strong minded woman is supposed to do for her man she's supposed to help him keep his head up and always be there for him as for those thots even if me and you were friends I would'nt have ever let you fuck with them next thing you know you over here in hospitals with something you caught from them" I said laughing.

"That's a fact though, damn man it's been over 5 years that we've been together this is seriously my longest relationship even when we weren't talking to each other I was still claiming you" he said playing with my curls.

"Awwe really?" I said looking up at him. He nodded and pecked my lips.

"Of course I'll always claim you, I told you before you wasn't going anywhere and neither was I"

"I know bae I know, I'm never leaving"

"Not without a four page essay on why I should let you go and if I don't like it you still not leaving" he said putting his face in my neck. I swear there's something wrong with this boy, but this my baby this my baby even though he drives me crazy sometimes.

"That makes no sense cause you know I'm not typing any kind of four pages for for nothing not even the life of me I'd rather get cut before I write a four page essay" I said making him laugh.

"Your too much man, I love you baby girl"

"I love you too baby boy, gimme them lips" I say turning towards him slightly. He leaned down and kissed me tugging on my bottom lip slightly as we pulled away.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now