Chapter 27

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August ~Next Morning~

Last night really made me realize how lucky I am that I have this amazing woman for a wife, who else is gonna run back in the middle of some shit like that? I know I've said this a million times but that girl is my everything! Nothing can ever replace her and as I watch her laying asleep in my arms I'm really starting to realize how broken we both are inside.

"You know waking up to you staring at me still makes me feel weird" Cat mumbled rubbing her eyes.

"I don't know why I've been doing it for too long now" I said pulling her so she was on top of me.

"Mmmm babe nooo I was so comfy like that" she whined still half asleep. I swear sometimes this girl acts like she's five, but it's so damn adorable which is why I always bother her when she first wakes up.

"Awe to bad I wanted you right here" I said wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Your such a big meanie Auggie" she said hitting my arm. I picked up my phone and took a picture of us and posted it on instagram with the caption. 'She just woke up and already in a bad mood #MyBigBaby'

"You love me though" I said kissing her cheek, she giggled and pecked my lips.

"Your right I do"

"I know you do and that's why you ain't going no where! Cat is allll mineeee!" I sang hugging her tighter.

"Alright alright stop yelling in Cat's ear" she said laughing.

"Gimme kiss"

"No" she said shaking her head.

"Gimme kiss!" I said poking her sides.

"No!" she said laughing as she tried to get away from me.

"Why not?" I said pouting.

"Awe babe you really want a kiss" she asked sitting up slightly.

"Yes I do but you tryna be funny and not gimme a kiss"

"Awe Auggie, come here papi" she grabbed my face and kissed me slowly.

Now we all know Cat don't like kissing/talking to anyone before she brushes her teeth so somethings up but shit I didn't care I ran my hands down to her ass and squeezed it slightly, I swear her ass is so.... damn.

"Mmm before we start something that's gonna take you back to sleep you want something to eat?" I asked once we pulled away.

"Yes I'm starving right now" she said stretching, I trailed my eyes up and down her body and bit my lip.

I need to get up ASAP because if I don't I will rip them clothes off this girls body and lay her down. I know your like nigga all you think about is sex but seriously if you were me, had a bomb ass wife, and been missing 'her' for as long as I have you would wanna put it down on her like there was no tomorrow either.

"Alright get up and I'll go get you something to eat"

"Okay can you hand me my phone?" she said cuddling up to the pillows.

"Nope no phones baby girl" I said turning mine off.

"But babe what if the kids try to call us"

"I'm sorry the number your trying to reach is no longer available" I said making her laugh.

"Your such an ass babe" she said shaking her head but she was still smiling.

"I know I'll be back I love you" I pecked her lips and left.

~20 minutes later~

Never leave your half asleep wife while you go make breakfast bring her ass with you cause she's gonna go right back to sleep, and it's gonna be raising hell when you try to wake her up.

"Cat wake up!" I said pulling the covers off her.

"What what??!" she said sitting up. I ain't ever met a woman that was this damn grumpy when she gotta wake up!

"Don't catch no attitudes with me you said you wanted something to eat so come eat" I said putting down the food next to her.

"Oh thank you babe" she leaned over and kissed my cheek then got up and went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth then came back and started eating. Bi-polar ass! I'ma take your ass to the doctor that's what.

"...And i'm not bipolar." She added as she stuffed her mouth.

"....I ain't even... How you.. Get the fuck out my head please! I hate when you do that." I semi-shout as I drink my OJ.

She bust out laughing then shakes her head. She continues to eat and chuckles every now and again. I shake my head as I watch her. I grab the bacon from off her plate and within my next blink, she grabs my hand and snatches the bacon. She bites my hand and I find myself snatching my hand away and shouting.

"What The Fuck! Cat why you bite me?!?!?!" I shout at her while rubbing my hand.

"Since when did you think it was okay to take bacon or any food at all from off my plate?" She asks calmly.

"Damn my bad." I say.

"I got bacon, you got sausage." She says.







"Now I'm really bout to make you take this sausage."

"Yet my toy has a better sausage."

I raise my eyebrow and look at her. She looks at me then rolls her eyes and goes back to eating. Is she really gonna act like she did not just say that? I can't believe she just really said that shit. That just means that she done forget how good a nigga can really, truly put it down. I got a trick for her.

"Since your toy is better then the real thing, you can rock with that for the rest of the year. Lets see how you do then." I say.

"Petty ass nigga. What do you think I've been rocking with? The toy hits the right spot without searching. Besides if you wanna get technical, your falling of your bedroom game." Oh really a nigga falling off the bedroom game? I guess we're gonna have to change that aren't we?

I grab her plate of food and put it to the side. I immediately push her back and snatch her pajama shorts off. I open her legs and bury my face between them. I guide my tongue across her lips, then bite her inner thigh. She lets out a moan and I chuckle. I suck on her lips then suck on her clit. Massaging it with my tongue as I rub my finger across her entrance. She lets out small light moans. Running her fingers through my curls and pulling my hair every once in a while. Twisting and twirling my tongue all across her pussy. Leaving hickies on her inner thighs. She real' though' she could diss a nigga like that and get away with it. Nahh she bet' think again.

She starts scratching up my shoulders, forgetting that just because she's about to climax, doesn't mean I needa stop. I got something to prove, and today is not ending until, what I gotta prove, is proven...

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now