Chapter 25

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Did ya'll really think I was ending the book like that?? Nah I ain't crazy or cruddy, we still got a couple more chapters to go.


Why the author was playing with ya'll like that? Anyway we just left the beach and I think Cat is mad cause I dumped her in the water...twice, she hasn't said a word since we got in the car, just straight silence. I sighed and pulled the car over turned it off and looked at her.

"Why did you turn the car off and why are you staring at me" she asked still looking at her phone. I reached over and took her phone and put it in my pocket. 

"Are you mad at me?" I asked looking at her. She looked over at me and smiled a little.

"Why would I be made at my baby huh?" she asked turning her body towards me.

"I don't know I just thought you were mad cause you haven't said a word to me since we got into the car your eyes have been locked on your phone and after I dunked you twice after you specifically told me not to I figured you were mad at me" I said playing with her fingers, she smiled and laced her fingers with mine and smiled.

"I'm not mad at think to much babe lets just get home..please it's getting dark and I have plans for tonight" I raised my eyebrow making her giggle.

"What you got planned when we get home?"

"Something for Cat...a nice long steamy shower where I can relax and enjoy the wonders and tranquility of hot water" she said laughing.

"Your just crazy you know that?" I say shaking my head, she's really playing right now.

"Yeah yeah I love you too, can I have my phone back?" 

"Nope" I started the car and pulled off.

"Can I please have my phone?"

"Nope" she leaned over and ran her hand up my leg and lightly across my shaft.

"Daddy can I please..please get my phone" she whispered in my ear. 

So she wants me to pull this car over again and take her legs?? Because that's what it seems like, like she done forgot who she messing with.

"Really while I'm driving?" I said looking over at her. I took her phone out of my pocket and handed it to her. She smiled and kissed my cheek.

"Gracias papi y si" 

"Aye come back from Puerto Rico we speak English over here ma" 

"You really need to learn a thing or two and Dee just texted me said you need to answer your phone it's important" 

"Why can't she just tell you?"

"Because it's not my place to know duhh" she said flicking my ear.

"Aye aye aye, stop it and actually your an Alsina you do have a right to know" I said smirking.

"Yes I am an Alsina but that doesn't change anything it's about you it's your business to take care of I mean yeah I'll help out if you need it but that's all you" she smiled slightly and put her phone in the little bag with her stuff.

"Why do you have to be such a logical person?" I ask glancing over at her.

"Because one of us has to be that person" she said smiling. "We can't all wing it and succeed Aug" 

"And how many times have you successfully winged it?" 


"I rest my case, what do you wanna eat because I'm starving right now" I asked .

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