Chapter 4

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Last night after I was finished watching the movie with Drew I took my butt right to bed I coudn't even bother going to Aliza's house because of how tired I was plus I had this meeting to go to this morning surprisingly I woke up at 7:15 was finished making breakfast by 7:35 and then relaxed for a little bit before picking out my clothes.

I settled for a pair of grey leggings with rips down the sides a green, black and white crop top that stopped just above my belly button and my Air Jordan "Bleached Turquoise" 3's then grabbed my blazer and put my hair up in a ponytail threw on my jewelry and grabbed the key's to my Lamborghini and left out.

As I parked the car I looked up at the big building, I hated this place not because it was so big but because Jason's secretary was always in my damn business plus as soon as she found out about me and August she was all on him! Whether or not we're still together I still do hold the name and I will until I decide to file for divorce which will be after the kids hit college or probably before that.

As I walked into the lobby area of the office the guy at the desk looked up and nodded at me, I smiled slightly and pulled my purse up on my shoulder and got on the elevator and pressed the 20'th floor button. As I got off the elevator the same secretary I didn't like looked up at me and smiled like if I was her friend.

"Hi is Mr.Banks in yet?"

"Yeah do you have an appointment?" she asked looking down at her computer.

"He didn't say I needed one he called last night told me to come in at nine today"

"Well let me gi-"

"Cat your here, right this way please" he said smiling. Jason isn't such a bad guy, he's actually pretty cool I just hate the reason he calls me half the time.

I looked at the secretary and smirked before turning and following Jason back to his office.

"It's good to see your still doing well" he said holding his office door open for me to walk through.

"Always I have two little hurricanes to keep under control" I said sitting in one of the two chairs facing his desk.

"True so I called you here for a really importa-"

"MOMMY!!" I turned around and saw Zoey and AJ run through the door followed by August. I looked at him then back at Jason.

"Hey guys, how my little babies doing?" I asked picking up AJ and putting him on my left leg.

"Good, daddy said he had a surprise for us" Zoey said as I pulled her up in my lap.

"Oh really? He did now?" I asked glancing back at him.

"Yess" I smiled at how adorable she looked.

"So. Jason this is what the important thing you had to talk to me about was?"

"Not Jase can you get somebody to take the kids down the hall?" August said nervously.

"Yeah sure" He pressed a button and the secretary came and he asked her to take Zo and AJ down the hall and keep them occupied.

After the kids were out the room August sat down in the chair next to me and looked down at his hands and an awkward silence filled the room.

"So... um are we gonna get this show on the road orrr are we gonna sit here being awkward?" I asked clearing my throat.

"Yes, um since this wasn't exactly my idea I should turn the floor over but I ask of you before you flat out say no consider it.... August" he said nodding at him.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now