Chapter 5

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"AJ stop running in the house!" I yelled coming downstairs, I swear these kids are just crazy! I don't know how the hell Cat handles these two. 

"Sorry!" he yelled back from wherever the hell he was.

I looked around the living room started picking up all the toys scattered across the floor for some reason I started smiling I don't know why but I was cheesing hella hard and and when my phone rang displaying my moms name it all changed to surprise I haven't spoken to her in a almost a week.

"Hello?" I answered throwing all the toys in the box.

"Boy you don't know how to work a God damn phone?! Look at that got me using the Lords name in vain! What the hell you been doing that you couldn't pick up the phone and call your momma??" she yelled, I knew she had that little vein popping out of the side of her neck.

"I do know how to work a phone I just been busy with your grand kids and trying to make some accommodations with Cat and work you know been busy" I said going into the backyard where the kids were playing. 

"Work ain't no da- wait you said making accommodations with Cat you guys are on good terms??"

"Umm...not exactly I'm working on it for right now she's just moving in so we won't have to keep you know dropping the kids off and picking them up every time it's one of our turns to have the kids" 

"And whose idea was this?" I could hear the smirk in her voice.


"You miss her don't you?"

"Yeah....I do but you know I just gotta take things slow, I want her back but I don't know man I really messed up"

"Yeah you did I'm not gonna lie you messed up big when is she moving in?"

"Saturday...I gotta help her move her stuff and then ya know I guess I'll work things out from there, I still can't believe she agreed to move in" I said scratching the back of my head.

"Well I think she's really doing this for the kids but if I know my daughter in law well enough she misses you too you just gotta give her time, don't push her too hard" 

"Alright ma and tell Kay Kay and them I miss them" I said sitting down in the doorway.

"Alright bye ugly nigga I love you"

"I love you too ma" I said laughing. My momma got no damn chill button.

I sat there watching the kids and thinking I don't know what exactly I wanna do but I do know I need some air. 

"Zoey, AJ grab your shoes we're about to go for a drive!" I yelled getting up. They ran past me into the house and upstairs to their rooms I grabbed the keys to the jeep and pulled on my shoes and waited for them to come downstairs. 

After they came down I strapped them into their seats and drove to the park and let them run around and I sat there deep in thought. 

I don't know what I' m gonna do I wanna win her back but I have no idea how the first time she forgave me easy but I know this time there's no easy gain, she's keeping her distance making small talk but keeping her distance, and as much as I would love to just be able to hold her in my arms and tell her how much I love her I know it's not possible.

"Um excuse me?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at the girl standing in front of me.

"Yes?" I said looking behind her at the kids.

"Are you here with someone because if your not you have to leave" she said resting her hand on her hip.

I finally really took a look at her she had grey-green eyes black curly hair full lips coke bottle figure big ass titties and a nice sized ass.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now