Chapter 12

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After last night you know a nigga hype right? Had her screaming all night long I'm pretty sure the neighbors filed a complaint about it but who gives a shit a nigga finally got some damn cutty! When I woke up Cat was passed out snuggled into the blanket, she looked peaceful so I didn't wanna wake her plus the last time I forcefully woke her up I almost lost my dang face. I got up and used the bathroom and washed my hands and face then brushed my teeth and went downstairs and started making breakfast.

A few minutes later I felt arms wrap around me and a smile broke out onto my face.

"Good morning" I said turning around and wrapping my arms around her waist.

"Morning babe it smells good down here" she said pecking my lips.

"Thanks, how you feeling?"

"A little sore and wobbly but I'll be okay" she said blushing.

"Hmm I was wondering how you made it down the steps much less off the bed after last night" I said laughing. She tried holding it back but she started laughing.

"Shut up you damn near broke my back last night" she said yawning.

"Well you did ask me to go harder and your always my command" I said picking her up and sitting her on the counter top.

"Hmm then wanna know what my next wish is?" She asked smiling.

"What is it?" I asked putting my face in her neck.

"That you hurry with my food cause I'm starving and stop kissing my neck before you start something" she said pushing me back slightly.

"Aii I got you gimme 20 minutes" I said pecking her lips. I turned back to the stove and continued cooking.


"OH MY GOD IM GONNA KILL YOU AUGUST" Cat yelled as she came up for air. We were playing around and I tossed her in the pool 😆.

"You know you love me baby!" I said running she loves me but she gone kill me cause she just got her hair done I mean I already sweated it out last night anyway so I don't get why she's mad.

I ran into the living room and heard her footsteps getting closer and she slid around the wall and glared at me and I'm sure if looks could kill lord I would be a dead man! I couldn't help but laugh though she was adorable when she got mad.

"I don't know why you laughing cause Ima kill you" she said matter of a factly.

"Oh baby girl you gotta catch me first in case you didn't know that" I said smirking.

She nodded and made to run after me but she slipped and fell, lemme tell you it was probably the funniest thing I ever seen I was doubled up laughing on the ground but I stopped and looked over the couch cause I didn't hear her making any sound or movement and my heart dropped to the floor cause she wasn't moving and she was still sprawled out on the floor the way she fell.

"Shit! Cat!!! Baby are you okay?! Cmon answer me baby I can't loose you I just got you back" I said lifting her head and putting it in my lap.

I leaned down to check if she was breathing and she wasn't that just made me even more scared that I was gonna loose her. I grabbed the phone and started dialing 9-1-1 when I heard soft giggles I looked down and Cat was laying there laughing.

"Don't ever do that again do you know how scared I was?!" I said hugging her.

"I'm sorry if I scared you babe but you know I'm not leaving anytime soon" she said sitting up grabbing my face in her hands. I smiled and pulled her in for a hug and put my face in her neck.

Mistakes We Made (Sequel to Chances We Take:: August Alsina Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now