get punked (drarry)

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Harry is a well-known "rebel" who isn't as rebellious as he looks. Enter in a posh Draco who, while in class, can only seem to think about green eyes and smudged eyeliner, and Harry finds more trouble than usual. There's just one problem.
They kind of hate each other.
At least, Harry thought so.

The chewed wooden pencil tapped against the table in an unsteady rhythm, the sound echoing throughout the room despite there being a lecture held. The professor seemingly had enough and snapped, and his dark onyx eyes easily found the source of the sound in the room.

"Mr. Potter. If you would so kindly do me the favor of silencing yourself." The voice drawled, and Professor Snape glared at the bespectacled young man through the strands of black hair that framed his face.

"Right. Sorry." Harry said shortly, not bothering to make pleasantries with the professor who had already been on his nerves after the unfair treatment he received in the class.
He placed the pencil on the table top to avoid making any further racket and, instead, tucked his hands into the pockets of his leather jacket.
Hermione and Ron, both to his right, cringed and looked at him in secret support of his word choice before they tuned back into the lecture. Ron gave him a shrug.

It was as if they thought he was going to blow up at the man or something.

Snape let out an agitated sigh before he continued his lengthy speech about the subject of psychology and the ever so lovely topic of Sigmund Freud.

Currently, Harry was attending the University of Hogwarts, a wonderful school which he had to scrape up a lot of money for and work hard in order to get into. He managed to obtain scholarships after playing football at his previous school, which definitely helped.  He supposed that, at the time of applying for the scholarships and school, being an orphan and living with his only living relatives aided him quite a bit.
Nevertheless, it had been a nasty shock for the people giving him the scholarship to see that he wasn't a prim and proper young man, but a proper right punk. His hair was messy and stuck up at odd angles no matter how often he tried to take it, and he often took to wearing eyeliner that he smudged just enough to add to the look, which was a great contrast to his green eyes.
Reluctantly, they gave him his scholarships.

Now though, he had to deal with the entry level classes in order to work his way up to his major, and that required taking psychology with Professor Snape, who was a downright prick and hated Harry.

While it may have been because of the way Harry looked (punk, though not extremely so), it may have also had to do with the fact his mother had been...acquainted with the man at some point in her life. Supposedly, at least.
Harry didn't want to learn more about it, but he figured it had something to do with his father and his own slight resemblance to him.

Of course, Snape was not his only obstacle in University.
Besides the fact that he met wonderful new friends after being accepted (Really, they were just the right people he needed to meet. It was truly a miracle.),  were people from his old school who were accepted. Of the many people, there was the one and only Draco Malfoy, who had been, unsurprisingly, his childhood bully and had been consistent in making sure Harry knew how educated and proper he was.
It may have been the final reason why Harry decided to change his style to find what truly fit him.
It was a solid driving point that allowed for him to show his true self, and that was the "rebel" teen that he had always been told he was, despite never really doing anything wrong in his life except making mistakes.

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