bloodied halloween heart (tomarry, minor drarry)

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tomarry and minor drarry for halloween!
vampire! tom and human! harry & draco. a bit on the horror aspect with smut.
warning for dubious non-con.

It was Halloween and Harry was being forced to attend a party with very kind and generous friends who were eager to get him into a costume.

He hadn't wanted to attend this event but found himself being forced to dress up and go anyways, despite his struggle against Ginny and Luna.

He (unfortunately) was dressed as a pirate and wore an older fashioned button up that these sea raiders wore (though he did like the ruffle sleeves, it was one of the few things he liked). They were paired with black trousers and combat boots. On his hip was a sash and, attached to it, was a fake sword hung on a band of fake leather.
On his head, he wore the damned pirate hat with a skull on the front. He supposed it was better than something worse, like being a werewolf or something of that nature.

Ron was a werewolf (ah, maybe Harry shouldn't said anything about that), Hermione a witch, Neville was Frankenstein's monster, Luna a fairy, and Ginny was a mad scientist.
They had all packed into two cars and drove separately before meeting up in front of the Malfoy Mansion.

" did we even get invited to this prat's party? Doesn't he hate us?" Ron was complaining, though they all knew he was excited at the idea of getting to let loose on a Friday night.
"Maybe he felt bad or just invited everyone." Neville offered, shrugging as he walked with Ginny and Luna. "Pretty sure it's because we're all so hot." Ginny said with a grin, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a freckles hand.
"We are quite the group." Luna agreed, a gentle smile crossing her pink painted lips.

"You mean you lot." Harry said under his breath, pretending not to notice the look Hermione sent him, as if she were going to start ranting and raving about how great he was.
Luckily though, they arrived to the doors of the mansion and were interrupted by the man of the hour himself.
"Glad you could make it." Draco stated smugly, his already pale skin even paler with the added makeup. He was dressed as a vampire. Go figure.

"Glad to be here!" Luna said with a wispy breath, her eyes shining as she looked around at the "spooky" decorations.
Harry eyed the skeletons that were meant to be crawling out of the ground and felt a smile cross his face.
Maybe it wouldn't be too bad.

He was wrong. Very wrong.
The party was full of everyone either drunk or high or smoking, and he quickly became worn out from the smell and yelling. He was not meant for this.
It seemed as if the others had different plans, though.

The ones were only slightly drunk or high or were straight sober included that of Pansy, Draco, Blaise, Hermione, Ron, Neville, Ginny, Luna. Funnily enough, the two groups who didn't get along were stuck together.
"This blows." Ron sighed, lazily draping himself across one of the fancy couches in the living room.
"Agreed." Blaise's painted skull face was annoyed and his arms were crossed as he leaned against the wall in his skeleton costume.
"I would like to make a proposition." Draco said suddenly, and all eyes were on him.
He moved his black cloak, the red from the inside illuminating his face in the dim lighting.
"Truth or Dare." He said simply, and took his seat before crossing his legs.
"Really?" Harry rose a brow, momentarily taking the hat off his head to rid himself of the unnecessary heat.
"Sounds good enough." Hermione said begrudgingly and fixed her hat, making everyone look at her in surprise.
"Even the teacher's pet agrees." Pansy, dressed as a gothic queen, said smoothly, eyeing her black nails, "We should play. What's there to lose?"
Hermione bristled at the name but said nothing, stubbornly glaring at the girl.

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