pure warmth (drarry)

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theme: fluff
pairing : drarry

Frost covered windows, cherry red noses, and scarves wrapped around necks.
It was winter and it was that time of the year again.
The time where his pale little snowflake loved to cuddle by the most cliche scene.
It was more than welcome in the horrid world.
Where there was nothing but heat and sweetness surrounding the already growing love.

It was a cool day, with snow dusting the streets and kids kicking it up with their little boots.
It was warmer inside, which was much more fun for the couple who had watched the scene from their apartment window.
It was the perfect time.

"A fire," Draco said, his eyes gleaming with excitement and love as he wrapped his arms around the shorter boy, "with you, of course. I couldn't forget about you."
Harry said nothing and drank in the sight of the blonde who was content with closing his eyes and basking in the warmth.

He rested his cheek against the broad pajama-covered shoulder, closing his own eyes as he dozed off to the soft heartbeat that beckoned him in.

They woke up later when the sun had completely vanished and the fire had stopped it's strong crackling.
It was nearly eight now, and Harry decided they both needed something to give them a little more time to cuddle up or talk.
It sounded sweet and nice in the moment.
Draco must've been against the idea as he never let go of Harry.

He suddenly forgot why he was trying to get up in the first place.

"I'm literally going to freeze my arse off tonight if we don't sleep in front of the fireplace." Draco had said later that night, pouting as Harry examined the puppy-like expression.

"Maybe," He responded and stirred the pot of hot chocolate, "but our backs will be broken when we wake up in the morning."
There was a sound of disappointment and a light kick at the kitchen floor.
Don't turn around.
Don't turn around.

Harry took one more look on his face before letting out a final sigh.

"Go get the sheets."

And Draco had never moved faster in his life.

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