breath of fresh air (tomarry)

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Theme: fluff
Pairing : Tomarry

Harry felt the tears slide down his cheeks as they usually did around most of the holidays.

Tom was never home for him, and Harry worked TWO jobs.
What was the point of having a  boyfriend if he was gone for almost every day of every week?

He crawled under the blanket on the couch and let his glasses fall to the carpeted floor.

They hardly talked with the exception of messaging and a rare glimpse on FaceTime.
He probably wanted to break up with him anyway..
Maybe it was his scar, or perhaps even his face and body?
His voice probably annoyed him so much and god- what was he doing  with a man who was stupidly handsome?
Tom could find someone else easily.
Perhaps even a woman! Or another man!

What if  he was easily replaceable?
Who would he have then?

He cried harder, stifling his sobs with his fists as he jammed them into his mouth.
"Fuck!" He yelled, curling up on his side as he held a pillow tightly to his chest.

He could hear the subtle fireworks in the distance.
It was going to be New Years, so maybe he should just not care too, right?

He heard a watch go off from the bedroom- most likely to signal it was already twelve.

"Happy New Years Year's to me." Harry whispered, clutching the pillow tightly.

A minute had passed by and it was silent.
Then there was the clanging of keys, the door being unlocked, opened, and then the sound of it being shut closed.


He froze, bolting up from his place on the couch as he put a hand to his heart.
It was beating so loud, it seemed to fill the silence.
It couldn't be. He was supposed to be working till three..?

It came again, and there was no mistaking that rich, baritone, stupid, posh voice.

"Yeah?" He said softly, his voice cracking even as he furiously wiped away his tears.

"Oh- Harry."

The previously dim room had been brightened ever so slightly and he could hear shoes gently making their way towards him.

Harry instantly rose from his place and ran over, throwing himself into the other's strong arms.
"I missed you." He muttered and threw his arms around his neck, kissing his cheek even as he hugged him tightly.
It was warm with Tom, it didn't matter that he didn't show too much emotion.
That's what initially attracted him anyhow.

"I missed you too." Tom murmured, running his cold, chilled fingers through the messy brown tufts of hair.

"I thought you weren't coming and i just- started freaking out I guess- sorry you have to come back to my old crying." Harry rambled, pulling back before giving Tom a watery smile.

"You're an idiot." The taller male huffed, gently pressing his lips against the smaller man's own.
"This year, we will be spending much more time together."

His heart skipped a beat at his word's, did he mean it?
Or was it like the time he'd said he'd come home early but came in at midnight?

"You promise?" Harry questioned, his wide, green eyes filled with warmth and unshed tears.

"I promise, dear." The man promised, gently caressing the pale cheek stained with tears.

"I would bring the world to it's knees for you."
He continued, and all Harry could accept his chaste kisses and words.

Harry felt his whole world give way for the man that he really loved.

"And I would for you."

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