watched from above (tomarry)

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This is an AU where Harry pretty much gets in an arranged marriage to Tom but has a tragic backstory oops. Somewhat Cinderella inspired haha. Thank you to @LyraBalaqua for the request! it's much longer than usual and there is some suggestive content, but nothing outright! if there are requests for the scene it will be done in due time (:

"You must be jesting."
Dudley Dursley stared in shock at the scene before him, his small eyes gaping wide open.

"It would seem not." Harry thought, staring off.

"Why is it that Harry always gets everything! This is unfair! I should be the one in an arranged marriage to the prince, after all I'm much more clean than Harry. He's the one who takes to the chores !"
The large, plump boy complained to his mother, whose thin lips were pursed tightly in a scowl.

"His... mother and father, it seemed, had already made these arrangements with King Dumbledore. We have no choice in the matter, unfortunately."
She ground out, her normally dull, blank eyes filled with flames of anger that bore holes into the side of Harry's head.
He ignored them in the carriage ride, feeling much more alone than he had ever felt before.

They arrived to the palace nearly at sunset, and the family was restless to go inside the rich estate.
Family...though Harry was not a part of it.

"Oh, how wonderful!" Auntie Petunia exclaimed, fascinated and enamored with the growth of the garden in the front that led all around the large manor. For a moment, Harry could see the remnants of what used to be his Aunt when he was younger.

Vernon simply grumbled and was out of the carriage after a short struggle, aggressively scolding the servants on the importance of the luggage that they had been struggling to handle as Dudley waddled out.

Harry paused and took a deep breath, closing his eyes as he counted backwards in his mind. He was not prepared for this at all! The most he'd ever had was a crush on the young rich noble named Cho Chang, who he had seen through the town. He'd never even considered that he may like a boy- a prince nonetheless! He wasn't one to be infatuated with such ideas, and he wasn't interested in being rich either.
All he wanted was someplace to go- to get far, far away from the 'family' he was with.

The young boy snapped out of it and let out the breath that had been gathering in his lungs, and he took his first step out. Immediately he regretted it, as he missed the step and stumbled as he failed to gather his footing before eventually being able to stand without trouble. He sighed to himself, ignoring the looks of annoyance that were thrown his way by the Dursleys as he followed the three led by servants into the large palace.

"And why must I be the one to marry?" The prince snapped, his brown eyes alight with an intense hatred for the man who sat upon the throne.
"Tom," The king began, his weary face betraying his look of disappointment as he stared at the young and angry youth, "it's not a matter of why or who or what. This was all prearranged before you were born. It was stated that the Riddle and Potter family would marry their offspring to the other...and it was only a while ago that it was discovered that only a single Potter remains in the bloodline."

Tom Riddle stormed away from his father, his anger festering within his chest as he felt the heat rush through his body.
The dark-haired male angrily walked through the halls, his feet making heavy sounds across the carpeted floor.

Harry's eyes were glued to the shining, marble floor of the throne room. There he stood behind his three relatives, his head bowed in both respect and embarrassment. While Harry was dressed in his best attire... it didn't include very much. It was a simple and old, white button up that was yellowed from age, an old and rather ill-fitting red vest that used to belong to Dudley, and trousers that were his own but hung loose on his frame. He felt horribly misplaced and felt the shame rise in his face in the form of heat.

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