ghosting fingertips (tomarry)

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i wasn't going to finish this but i felt guilty even with the dub con? I had this whole chapter planned out but never completely finished it. i hope no one was offended or hurt reading this. I apologize for leaving it like that when there are actual problems like this in the world.

Pairing : Tomarry
Theme : uh,,,, really really harsh dubcon + slight obsession

"Professor, I must say..." Tom drawled, his hand briefly fluttering over the man's hip, " look stunning in green."

Harry froze from his place on the floor, desperately wracking his brain to wonder how it all had gone horribly wrong.

Mr. Potter, as they would call him, wasn't too old nor too young. He was simply teaching high school students and that's all there was to it.

He was in his mid- to late twenties with dark brown hair, lightly tanned skin and green eyes. Harry wasn't all bones as everyone had suspected, but thin with a lithe, compact body.
He wore round, broken glasses that were pieced to together with tape, and had faint freckles that were barely visible unless you got close enough.
Not much of a tall or good looking guy, he thought, simply average or around there.

Ah yes, but what did Harry Potter teach?

He had spent years in the academy due to his ruined childhood and dreams, training to become a police officer before deciding to slightly curve off his career path.
So what if he decided to teach teenagers about it?
It still meant he was helping those around him, just in a less hostile environment.

Then it became he who taught, teaching the laws and regulations that he had become so accustomed to.

He had never thought one of his students was a criminal lurking in the crowd.

It was small things, like when young, eighteen year old, Mr. Riddle would let his fingers linger on his papers when turning them in, when he would spy a light smirk crossing his pink lips, or his eyes glittered with some unknown emotion.

He should've known better than to underestimate a student.

It started with the first class he taught, teaching the material before doing so again.
And again.
Over and over again till he had a break, then continued on.
Then it was finally the last class of the blessed day, Friday.

"Alright class, everyone pass your papers to the front. I know how much you all are excited for the weekend to come, so I figured I'd just allow you to have the last ten minutes of class for freetime." Harry said, smiling as the class made audible reactions.
He enjoyed making them feel relieved! Even if it meant he'd have to add what they'd missed to monday's plan.

"Sir- I was wondering if I could stay after class and ask you something?"
The man turned and faced the imposing figure of Tom Riddle, taller and paler than himself.

"Sure, anytime will suffice." The man returned easily.

The young man was an orphan, much like Harry himself. There wasn't a soft spot for that specifically, but Mr. Riddle had the highest marks in class.

Not that he played favorites.

The loud ten minutes passed by quickly and the class rushed out as soon as the bell rang.
"Have a lovely weekend!" He called out from his desk, straightening up once he realized that Tom had taken his stance in front of his desk.

"Ah, Mr. Riddle! Would you mind if i locked the door from the outside? I wouldn't want anyone to walk in and I feel that this won't take long, so we can just rush out at any time ."
Harry said smoothly, standing up from his seat.

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