the planets revolve around us (tomarry)

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space au!
[ fluff only ]
(warning for gore/blood mention!)

There was a click.

He only saw darkness when he awoke, and then it was a sudden pain in his head that hit him so hard, it forced him to squeeze his eyes shut.
Once he felt comforted by the lack of pain, he slowly peeked out from behind his eyelids.

He blinked quickly and, eventually, he got used to the brightness in the room which was... not nearly as bright as he'd initially thought.
He analyzed the room he was in and realized that it wasn't a room, but rather a crawl space.

Harry furrowed his brows and rolled over, moving sluggishly as he touched the ceiling as a guide.
Where was he?

It hit him like a truck.

Earth. The spaceship once the planet seemed to implode on itself. Saucers that they'd believed had been fake their entire lives.

How had he even gotten in here?

He gasped for air as the memories came flooding back. He clutched at his chest tightly, trying to calm the speeding of his heart.
It was horribly tight- he needed to get out.

Panic clawed at his throat and he could feel bile rise as he felt aimlessly, unable to get a grasp on anything that seemed like a hatch.

Finally, he found it.

When his fingers gripped the small tab on the large plate, he pulled hard on it.
It came down with some more force, and the gushing sound of air filled the crawl space that immediately filled his lungs and eased his nerves.
He breathed hard and crawled forward, slowly standing up on his knees before peeking out of the hatch.

It was a mistake.

In an instant, Harry had turned and vomited at the sight.

Bodies lay everywhere, some ripped up and torn and other simply missing chunks of flesh and uniform.

"Oh..fuck..." he heaved.

Shakily, he crawled out of the hatch and shut it behind him. He closed his eyes and, for a solid minute, he stood eerily still.

He was in the cafeteria area of the shop, the place that had hit the hardest.
He still had so many questions, so many thing left unanswered-

He looked up and saw the sight of his former best friends, their bodies side by side and fingers intertwined.

He choked and it was like a trigger had been pulled behind his eyes.
"Her...mione.. Ron..." he cried out, the tears falling from his eyes in cascades. 
He made his way across the cafeteria to them, leaning heavily on the tables for support.
He dropped to his knees when he finally got to the end where their heads were.

He didn't know how long he had cradled the two bodies belonging to what was supposed to be his lifelong best friends. It was a minute and then five. Then that five became thirty minutes-

Without taking another look at the gadget on his wrist giving him the set time, he slowly let go of their bodies. The smell of iron in the air didn't seem to bother him anymore, and he took care to avoid slipping on the ground as he left the room in all its gore.

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