merry christmas (nevarry)

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pairing: neville/harry
requested by: @hpmalfoy7
something cute i wanted to write, but there's nsfw at the end!

Harry shifted in his seat, awkwardly trying to get comfortable despite the impatience and anxiousness that shot through his stomach.

It's Christmas Eve, the night before the joyous holiday.
Unfortunately, Harry has no one to really spend it with.

He thinks of the face of a man with a slight stubble and hair styled in a part, thinks of how his heart began to race at just the thought of him.
He pushes the dream away, ignoring how he'd ultimately opted to forget the feelings.

Nearly everyone he knows has gone on a trip with their family or their partner.
Harry has neither of those, and so he sits in the living room of his flat, foot bouncing as he looks at the colorful tree with a few presents scattered under it.
He frowns and checks his watch, watching as the time ticks.
It's eleven forty in the evening.

He still has no idea what to do, and, feeling more alone than ever, he pulls his sock-covered feet onto the sofa. He rests his chin on his knees and wraps his arms around his shin, staring at the Christmas tree that signaled joy to many.
Many except him, of course.

He recalls those horrid days with the Dursley's. He can vividly hear the pounding of footsteps as Dudley races down the stairs, his squeals rather loud and obnoxious.
He feels the pang one his chest remembering staring at the new gifts on the table in the morning, the false hope in his heart cracking away as he is told to make breakfast.
Not now, though. He's free.

He sighs and closes his eyes, thinking about the cold outside and the warm cookies he'd made not too long ago. He plans to eat them sometime during the night while drinking some hot tea.
He jumps at the sound of a knock, and he's on his feet in an instant.
His heart pounds, but he find his feet automatically moving toward the source of the noise.

He hadn't invited anyone. It's unfortunate he couldn't bring himself to- he didn't want to risk facing the rejection that would come with it.

He stands at the door, hand hesitating over the knob. He turns his hand into a fist and sighs, looking through the peephole.
Harry sees the very same face he'd seen in his mind not too long ago.

There's a timid looking face belonging to Neville, a man Harry had been crushing on ever since they had been teenagers.
He remembers his once round face becoming more chiseled over the years, remembers how those soft hazel green eyes looked at him with happiness when they'd become friends for the first time.

Now he sees those same eyes looking at the ground, and his cheeks holding a pink blush as he stares at something out of view.
Harry wonders what the man is doing there, and he is quick to pull away from the small hole and unlock the door.

The door swings open harder than Harry had anticipated and he smiles sheepishly when the other man's head whips up at the sound.
"Sorry- got a little excited." He coughs, wondering why in the hell he'd chosen to say excited of all things.
"'S okay." Neville says, and his hands are behind his back.
"Come on in! God, I'm sorry. I know it's freezing out there. I can make some tea."
"That'd be lovely." Neville says after a moment, and he follows after Harry into his flat.
The door shuts, and Harry can feel his heartbeat quicken at the situation.

Christmas Eve with Neville?

"Sorry for...coming over. I didn't really think- I- well. I heard you weren't going anywhere and I figured I would drop by." Neville stammers, his face turning from pink to red.
For a moment, Harry stands dumbfounded.
The other seems to take this as a bad sign, and he's already apologizing, stumbling over his words as he looks panicked.

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