taken and claimed (tomarry)

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this is the final tomarry entry for "bloodied halloween heart". it will have smut, so this is the warning!!
merry christmas (:

Blearily, eyelids fluttered open and blinked till the spotted-black world would become a blurry mess. Harry rubbed his eyes and when he blinked, he was shocked to find out that the world was not blurry at all. In fact, it was crystal clear, and he knew that, after waking up, he definitely was not wearing his worn pair of glasses.
He sat up in the oversized bed and quickly came to the realization that was not the same room he had been in before, and it seemed as if this was actually the master, no, grand bedroom, for it looked much larger and more spacious than the room he had been in before- though, even that room had been large!

The sheets pooled around his nude waist and all he wore were silk drawers, and the silk could not comfort him even in his panicked state as the memories came flooding back into his mind. He could see the pairs of dead eyes that looked back at him, the memories of his dead friends were seared into the backs of his eyelids.
He became pale and started to shake, remembering how Draco had looked in his final moments from his place on the floor. He had told Tom to leave him alone- had watched as Harry came undone right in front of him and did nothing to stop the vampire.
He had died right in front of Harry and Harry had done nothing to prevent his death.

He gagged and threw himself to the edge of the bed, his hands scrambling on the sheets before clutching them tightly in his grasp. He retched and expelled the contents of his stomach. Tears gathered in his eyes and immediately spilled down his cheeks before gathering at his chin and falling to the bed sheets.
He heaved and gagged until his body refused to release anything else.
His throat and eyes burned, and he coughed at the sensation in his throat.
He weakly wiped at his mouth with his arm, feeling weak as he dropped to the bed. He stared at the mess on the floor and his heart beat fast in his chest, thudding harshly against his rib cage.
He let out a sob and crawled away from the edge of the bed before dropping his head. He started to cry and everything hurt and burned.
His eyebrows furrowed together and he let the cries wreak havoc on his body.
He shook with each and every sound, and he turned to bury his face into the sheets that tangled around his body.

Harry let out a feral scream, ignoring the pain that came from his throat when he let out the haunting cry.

The door opened and soft footfalls were heard, as if the person wanted for Harry to hear them.
He shrunk from his place on the bed, curling in further on himself as he cried even louder.
Was there ever an escape for him? Did he ever get what he wanted?
Why did it have to be him, after all the time? Was his life not enough of a shitshow before?
He sobbed, and he flinched when a hand gently rested on his head.
"Get away from me!" He screamed, and he buried his head in-between his arms.

"I'll be back, give me a moment dear."

He could hear the sounds as his mess was cleaned moments later. As the contents of his stomach were removed from the floor and the floor was clean enough that it squeaked underneath the vampire's shoes.
He heard the footfalls leave.
Tears slipped from his eyes and he had never felt so hopeless before. There was no way out for him when that monster had no remorse and killed his friends so fast that Harry couldn't even comprehend it.
He shivered as Draco's voice echoed in his head.
They had kissed just yesterday, and now he was gone. Gone for good.
He would never return.
His heart, his chest-
God, and Harry was here again, doing nothing.
He didn't know what the hell Tom had done to him, and he knew if the vampire did actually do something to him, there really was no escape for Harry. He couldn't survive in a world he didn't know of.
He cried even harder.

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