technical difficulties (tomarry)

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Theme: mixed
Pairing: Tomarry
In which Tom Riddle finds something in an alleyway and decides it might be worth keeping.

It was nearly midnight when it all began.

Tom was walking home from his lab with his coat and suitcase in hand, making his way even when it was nearly pitch black on the streets.
You weren't supposed to be walking around this late, but Tom had done it so much that nothing terrified him.
Well, besides death itself.

His shoes made contact with the pavement ever so quietly, and it was peaceful.
There was a water puddle along the way, he noticed. There seemed to be a leaking gutter as the sound echoed.
Patter. Patter.
Tom turned his head towards the sound and abruptly stopped.

There was a green glow emulating from the alleyway, a pulsing sort of light and Tom didn't need to think twice before his feet moved on their own accord.

He walked almost silently, his eyebrows furrowed at what could possibly be producing that type of light.
Then there it was.

Most robots nowadays had to be removed from houses after the war that had begun.
They had begun to get much more intelligent and, in some cases, had even begun rebelling against their 'masters'.

Tom had never owned a robot before, he thought it useless when he could do all the tasks needed perfectly fine.
He was capable.

But then something peculiar started happening.
The robot's limbs that been removed started reattaching themselves through wires and electrical circuits.

The green glow seemed to come back to life and suddenly, it was so very bright.
Tom shielded his eyes with his arms, turning his head away as he heard his heart pounding loudly in his ears.

His instincts told him to scram, to move away as fast as he could before he could be in big trouble.
It seemed to be too late.

There was the robot once more, but with a head on the now completed body.
There was shaggy, jet black hair and closed eyes. Their skin was pale yet somehow tan at the same time.

Tom's eyes moved rapidly as he drank in the sight. The robot was small for being a male. Unless.. it wasn't?
Tom was sure it was a male due to the way the robot was dressed... although it was all somewhat in taters.

He moved, his curiosity much more stronger than it had been before.

Glasses? Why would a robot need glasses? Perhaps accessories?

Then it moved.

Tom stumbled and tripped over the robot when it moved abruptly, the leg kicking out when it had powered on.

The robot's eyes snapped open, a wicked green appearing from the once closed eyes.
It was startlingly bright, and the glow came from it's eyes.

The young man looked on, his mouth parted uncharacteristically.
He was almost never surprised yet- this was the most interesting thing that had ever occurred in his plebian life.

His hair stuck out almost endearingly in odd angles, as if it had been previously styled.

Tom's eyes met with the green, and they seemed to glow impossibly brighter.

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