special effects (drarry)

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Main pairing : drarry

Theme : fluff !

Malfoy this Malfoy that.

Harry was tired of Hermione opening her mouth only to mention how the blonde had changed and she thought of him in a 'new light'.
He understood, he really did, but it was quickly gathering into annoyance when their little talks over coffee and tea had completely been swapped for that reoccurring topic.

It was how the whole act really begun.

"Look.. Harry, I understand. I really do try hard to talk of other ideas but," she pursed her lips, slipping her dark brown locks behind her ear, "you should really talk to him! He's looking better than he ever did before and I certainly think you'd make a good pair."
Hermione stumbled over her words, flushing even as she took notice of his confused expression.
"Not like that of course-! I don't take you as into guys but I figured that well- maybe you'd like to befriend him.."

Harry let out a drawn sigh, resting his pale hands on his teacup.
"I get it, Hermione. I need friends, I shouldn't hold a grudge against him and so on. I don't have any grudges against him, I think it's wonderful that he's getting on with life. He's even dating a woman by the name of Astoria if I heard correctly... He's just fine without me, besides, how do you think Ginny will feel? She never really liked him and she... well, wouldn't want to be with or near him, I suppose. Especially when she thinks I'm still on bad terms with him."

"Well, you and Ginny hardly talk anymore! She misses you, Harry. If you could simply sort things out with her, I think all would be well... you should also think about becoming friends with Draco."

It was then that it really hit him.

"When did we start calling him Draco?" He questioned, bewildered he hadn't thought of it before.

"Well... I've been doing some chatting over tea, to put it over mildly." The bushy haired girl said slowly, mulling it over as she looked warily at him.

"So.. you've been seeing him? And decided you just wouldn't tell me unless I figured it out? Thanks, Hermione."

"It's not like that, Harry ! Clearly I'm with Ron, I wouldn't dare-" Hermione's voice rose an octave as her honey skin became a startling shade of red.

"Oh, 'mione- that's not what I was saying ! I was simply referring to the secret meetings you hold with him. Do you go on about how high and mighty he is to his face or..?"
Harry left his question hanging between them, taking a sip from his lovely tea that was just perfect in his opinion.

"I think I should leave, I really want you to think about this, Harry. Please, send me an owl or use a telephone to call me. I'll be free on Friday!" She rushed out, drinking the rest of her coffee quickly before grabbing her purse. She left just as quickly as she had arrived, leaving the dark haired Harry Potter to his jumbled thoughts.

"-and that's how it ended. I can't seriously say much more about it. It's kind of getting out of hand. I think you should tell her something."
Harry said firmly, running a hand through his hair in frustration.

"Well." Ron began, his eyes darting around the room before locking onto emerald, "She's been trying to get me to talk to you about it all month! She's been nagging me and talking about the both of you. Seriously, I would think she's obsessed with you guys."
The ginger was clearly annoyed, but not as exasperated as Harry himself.

"I know! Doesn't she get that I can be busy and don't have time for this? Between Auror practice and us, it's so much time that we just don't have. I don't even know anything about Malfoy."

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