lost in the wild (snarry)

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stranded au! (somewhat ooc)
unfortunately for harry, survival isn't his only issue.

A week.
It had been a solid week of living off of whatever the two had gathered off the plane and island itself.
Initially, it hadn't only been the two of them- but it hurt too much to think about for too long.

Now, however, they were more or less alive. Physically? Just fine!
Harry had never known patience so well.

He tidied up the small living space that him and the other survivor had managed to find- a small shack that held a single, broken bed (of which they replaced after making a fresh one out of two beds from the plane).
Fortunately, there was a chimney and a fireplace within, though it required a lot of maintenance by the two.

Everything wasn't that simple though.

Everything Snape said or did only got on his nerves. It was a constant mantra of "are you an idiot?" or "couldn't find anything else, could you?".

It was tiresome. It was draining.
Harry couldn't stand it any longer.

There was a shift in the air as Harry closed his eyes, thoughts racing in his mind.
"Are you having trouble keeping up or do I need to slow down my speech for you to understand? I said you should have gone down to the other end of the island, there's much more-"

"I am this close to going losing it right now, so please shut your mouth before I lash out." He gritted out, his eyes now open and flashing at the older man.

Snape. Severus Snape.
Shitty name for a shitty man.

"Oh?" His eyes were dark- the deepest black he had ever seen.
They had a fire in them.
"Yes, oh." He mocked, abruptly standing from his place on the floor in the shack. "And I'm so sick of hearing you whine about how I could've done something else- how about you go do it! I'm done. So-fucking-done." Harry glared at the man who turned back to the food cooking over the fireplace. He placed their handmade spatula down and turned to him-

He was close. Far too close.

Harry's eyes narrowed as they glared directly into Snape's eyes. Strangely enough, those dark onyx eyes held no anger towards him.

"I have little to no issue with doing my part.
I'm telling you how to do yours better." He uttered, his warm breath tingling across Harry's lips.

He hadn't touched Harry, hadn't laid a single finger on him- but he felt it then.

Snape stepped back and resumed his duties at the fire, tending to the food.

Angry and flustered, Harry uttered an excuse about getting more water and picked up their bottles they'd managed to find on the plane and left as fast as he could, shutting the door hard behind him.

Heart beating in his chest, he headed to the creek he was become more acquainted with every passing day.

He couldn't let him find out.

The next day was much quieter, as if Snape was giving Harry more space after their argument. The day after that was rather peaceful, though Harry kept his distance this time, not wanting to speak with the older man

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