i'll never meet another you (tomarry)

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Cont. of "The Stalker's Tango" !
tw //character death, kidnapping, blood, violence//
there is a killing near the end of the chapter, please do not take the warnings lightly. this is a twisted addition to the previous part of this oneshot, just to let you all know. read with this in mind.

A melodic tune came in through the cracks of the room, though the cracks themselves were nonexistent.
The birds sang from their place outside the high window near the ceiling of the room, and the loud chirps buried their way into the ears belonging to a sleeping young man. The scent of expensive cologne wafted through the air, and remnants of the smell of the forest-like fragrance clung to the silk sheets of the bed.

Harry stirred from his place on the silk sheets and let out a groan. He could feel the smooth bedding beneath his mop of messy hair, and he basked in the feeling before finally bringing himself to consciousness.
A green eye slipped open and the blurry world came into view.
He looked around and noticed he was alone yet again, and so he resorted to going back to sleep despite the absence of the man who had been there, as Harry had remembered, only moments ago.
He knew those moments were longer than he remembered, for it was nearly night when Tom had been there; now it sounded as if he was in a world currently in its late hours of the morning.
His eyes slipped shut, and he let out a quiet breath the quell the panicked shaking of his heart that insisted he look for the man.
He hated that all he could think about was Tom, hated how much of a victim he'd become, but was there anything he could truly do about it?

He counted listlessly in his head to distract himself and ran his fingers slowly over the place on the pillow by his head.
As long as he was distracted, he didn't have to think, and he didn't want to think.

The sounds of nature and her birds began to cease, and Harry found that he couldn't pinpoint the exact moment when it had happened. What he could pinpoint, however, was the screaming that ensued in the wake of the birds' silence.
He sat up, his heart hammering against his ribs as he grasped around the bed for his glasses.
After finding them, he slipped them onto his nose and rose from the bed, his bare feet slowly touching the cool, wooden floor.
Confusion was etched into his features.
The screaming disappeared.

Harry ran a hand through his hair nervously as he looked around the room, scanning for anything to do or anything he could look at.
Would there be a clue here?

The doorknob jiggled and Harry jumped from his place in the room. He made is hands into fists and kept them tightly curled as he waited for something...anything to happen.

The door opened.
Tom appeared, his face covered with speckles and patches of blood and dirt.
Harry, in his shock, stood rooted to the ground, his look of confusion only becoming far more exaggerated than before. He recoiled after taking notice of how much blood Tom had on him and decided he'd rather ask than find out.
The man let out a sound that Harry could scarcely believe would come from a human before he turned around and bent down, dragging something into the room.
Harry sucked in a breath and hesitantly stepped forward, unsure of what to do once he realized what was happening.

Tom's face held an expression of loathing and pure disgust, and his hands gripped the back of a dress shirt so tightly that his veins were prominent beneath the pale skin.
Draco was dragged into the room, his face bloody and bruised and his body unconscious.
"Oh my god."
Harry slowly covered his mouth in horror at the revelation and stared at the sight before him.
"He followed me. Did he tell you that? Did he tell you he'd try to kill me?" Tom had dropped the unconscious blond in the middle of the room before slamming the door shut with his foot.
His eyes were impossibly narrowed and his face was scrunched in a snarl as he stared at the unmoving figure of Harry's manager.

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