broken glass (snarry)

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Theme : slight obsession but a l ot of smut,,, ((features dub-con))
Pairing: snarry as requested by LyraBalaqua

Harry Potter was normal and he liked having an ordinary life.
He'd liked the way things were.
Having small talks over coffee, laughing when something stupid happened, and looking over in exasperation when Ron nudged him about any girls. 

At least, up until he'd gone to his university.

It was then that things had begun to change around him.

His best friends had begun dating and, although it wasn't terrible and he wasn't jealous, it was a tad annoying.

It became much more annoying when everyone suddenly had began dating and had started inviting him- to third wheel of course.
He loved his friends, he really did, but he quickly got tired of the couple acts.

It was the small things like watching them kiss, being completely ignored when they were so absorbed in each other, and being unable to actually have a conversation.

Perhaps they liked having someone watch them, but he did not want to be included.

He decided it was time to change things and- no, it did not mean he was trying to date anyone.

It simply meant he would start doing things how he wanted, and that meant spending time with those who were single and didn't care for relationships... which slimmed down who he talked to drastically.
It was then that, in his course of history, he found exactly what he was looking for.

Severus Snape, a tall, thin man who wanted to make the world harder for kids like him. He had pitch blackhair that reached the junction between his neck and shoulder, eyes so dark you figured he had no pupils, and a hooked nose.

It wasn't as if Harry thought him anything but annoyingly snarky, but he did find him.. interesting.
He could see the lingering stares in his direction when they were testing or copying notes.
It was something unusual.
He never talked to his professor, only ever listening to him bicker amongst the other students and hide a smile.

Sometimes he would get outed by the professor, but he never said much. He would give a short, clipped answer and grit his teeth at what the man would throw his way.

It was unfortunately the most attention he really got from anyone.

Harry set out to really find out about his professor, to delve deeper into the man's past that he seemed to  be hiding.

Today was the day.
Harry had decided that he was completely sick of seeing snuggles and kisses- he just wanted to have a nice conversation without anyone swooping in to steal his companion.

Out of habit, he pushed a hand through his messy dark hair before forcing himself to walk into the empty room. 
And in all his amazing glory, there was Severus Snape.

He was sat at the desk, scribbling at papers that were in desperate need of grades.

Maybe he shouldn't have gone in, after all, he was just going to be a large nuisance-
The short male spun on his heel and turned.
A brisk walk to the door would be quick.

"Me. Potter, to what do I owe this abrupt meeting?"
The deep voice drawled from behind him.
Harry could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

"Professor ! Quite.. underwhelming, honestly." The raven-haired responded, giving an unsure smile as he slowly turned around.
He could hear the intake of breath as the professor had a mental debate before he finally heard the words: "Get out."

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