innocence in all (draco/harry/blaise)

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oneshot as requested by @gigglehugs !
pairing is Harry/Draco/Blaise, set in hogwarts. hufflepuff! Harry, gryffindor! Draco, ravenclaw! Blaise.

The castle was large and expansive as it always had been.
The floors of stone were shiny no matter how dull they should've seemed, and the halls were always lit and friendly through the day. The Great Hall was always full of life, of clamoring and excited laughter coming from friends and relatives.
It was something so memorable and safe, and it felt like home to Harry.

He was a hufflepuff boy in his final year at Hogwarts, a seventh year and a prefect in his house.
While he was a short gangle of limbs and hair, he was still Harry. He was kind, though not very extreme in his studies. He was average at best, but he was highly skilled in Defense Against the Dark Arts. He excelled even, in that class.
He was a seeker for Quidditch and he was athletic. He was unconventionally good at things he wasn't expected to be good at, especially for looking so small and quiet.
But he was more than that.
Especially to some.

Harry had just finished his last class of the day, and headed to the library as he had planned to see his friend for the day as he had promised.
He was excited to see what ideas Hermione had to share as, although she was a Gryffindor and was more studious than Harry, he desperately needed help with his potions work and was looking forward to actually discussing the topic, as it genuinely had seemed interesting to him.

His footsteps were quiet in the not-so crowded hall as he continued his journey to the library.
It was nearly deserted and Harry had no clue why, as, while it WAS usually void of people, there was always a small group or few people wandering and meandering.
But no one today?

With the questions as to where everyone was ringing in his mind, Harry finally reached the library and began to go inside. He could practically smell all the parchment and book.
At least, that was before he was pulled aside into the dark corner that was by the library.

Harry let out a small shout of alarm and stumbled before hitting a solid, firm chest.
Upon looking up at the intrusive hand that had dragged him, Harry glared defiantly at whoever had pulled him before his features quickly softened.
He let a small smile slip across his lips and he shook his head.

"What are you thinking pulling me like that? I thought I was about to get into a fight!" Harry exclaimed, pushing himself off of the body in front of him.

"Great to see you too, hot stuff." Blaise said casually,  a smirk forming on his face as he left a kiss on the shorter boy's head.
"Ugh, and yet you forget about me."
With a dramatic sigh, Draco stood from his place leaned up against the wall and made his way over, sauntering to where Harry stood.

The hufflepuff let out a laugh and rolled his eyes, casually eyeing the two who were adorned respectively in their blue and red house colors.
"Well, what are you even doing here? I was on my way to study with Hermione!"

"What's one missed study session?"
Draco murmured, spinning the boy around and draping his arms across his chest.
"I think you'll be just fine without it." Blaise added on, his dark eyes watching the two in front of him.

"Isn't that right, Harry?" Draco breathes into his ear, making the hufflepuff's face turn crimson at the tone that came from the blond's lips.
"W-well at least let me talk to her before she thinks I ditched her!"
Harry stammered, feeling embarrassed as he pushed his glasses up his nose in a hasty, nervous gesture.

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