there lived a certain man (tomarry)

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I will be changing the way Tom looks in this one shot, I figured I'd be more accurate to the books (I usually give him dark brown hair but gave him black here. I changed his eye color to brown as well). I might end up doing this for the entire one shot series, but if it changes that's why!


A mystical man appears in the kingdom, and his record is well kept due to travelers keeping his tale alive. The village is entranced with the man, but Harry can't find himself to care enough for the man or his "magic". Until they have a run in, that is. Or...a couple.
warning for smut at the end.

The small town was covered in snow, and the ground was practically frozen no matter where you looked.  Windows were covered in frost and most people had kept to scraping the glass as often as they could to peer out of them. Most of the time, it was to see if there were any new adventurers or travelers.

However, there had been whispers about someone to come. Someone who would be coming from far, far away.

"He's apparently a mystical man, known for being magical and performing miracles on people close to death or in any precarious position. Never once has he failed to complete the wishes of someone. He's avoided death and destruction along his ways, and he's given many the gift of added years to their lifespan. It doesn't end there, though. Many believe that he himself is ethereal. He is supposedly so beautiful, beautiful in a way that no human should be, and he enchants many eyes as they gaze upon his form."

This was the rumor, at least.

Luna finished her small share of knowledge with a dreamy smile, though she was gazing into the fire. She pressed her gloved hands to her knees and inhaled the crisp, cold air.
Ginny said nothing at the tale while Hermione looked thoughtful, and Ron shook his head. Neville seemed interested. Harry laughed.

"No really," Hermione added on, and she became the center of attention. "He is seen as charming and enchanting. It could be bad news. He's known to take what he wants whenever he wants, especially if he's serviced someone."

The campfire crackled loudly in front of them, and the morning seemed to become even chillier even as they added more firewood.

"Oh, please! It's a load of bollocks!" Ron rolled his eyes, and he pulled his hat further down on his head, covering his cold, red-tinged ears.
"Seems good enough for my Aunt and Uncle." Said Harry, warming his hands by the fire with a small huff.
"They don't know if they want him around. They hate magic in any form, don't want any curses thrown at them. Said if he comes into town, they'll have to deal with that magic, because it's him. I'll have to take over the records and payment this afternoon, so we'll know then." He said after a moment of thought, and he rubbed his red nose with the brown leather of his gloves.

"Is he really handsome, then?" Ginny questioned, wiggling her brows at the group as Neville let out a sound.
"Honestly! What is up with having good looks? If you're magical and ugly, you must be screwed." Neville moaned, shaking his head and looking into the fire. "Poor wizards, really. Don't deserve getting burned just because they aren't pretty or good-looking."

"He's the only one we've known so far that hasn't been." Hermione said, and she readjusted the fuzzy gloves around the wrist.

It was then that the trio of Draco, Pansy, and Blaise arrived, and the group let out a soft groan that remained out of the earshot. Luna sat happily waiting for the company.

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