lies of the dark (tomarry)

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this is a continuation of "the secret in shadow" ! there originally was a part two but it was pretty confusing and I wrote it at a weird stage of my life, so do forgive me. here's the newly made version that is one thousand words longer than the original
pairing is tomarry!

He fell towards the desk, his back flush with the wood and his unruly, black hair sprawled around his tanned face which was a bright and flushed red. His green eyes were practically shining in the dim lighting of the room, where only a single lantern and the moonlight seeping through the window lit the two during their activities of the creeping nightfall.

Harry let out a contented sigh, his eyelids fluttering closed for a moment as Tom pulled his manhood away from his body.
The older man returned with sinfully skilled lips to plant chaste kisses on the bronzed skin, his darkening eyes absorbing the small after-twitches of Harry, who was well-worn out.

"I- thank you, sir." Harry said uncertainly after catching his breath, his eyes opening despite the voice screaming at him to keep his eyes shut.
"Oh dear boy, there was no issue with punishing you...though I would never be so cruel to derive you from pleasure after being so obedient."
The rich voice soothed.
Harry felt the stickiness of his own body once Tom pulled away.

"I will clean this uh-....mess" The raven-haired man started, peeling himself away from the desk that was now coated in his own sweat and their combined bodily fluids.
His cheeks filled with color and he could hear the faint rumble in Tom's chest that was a delighted chuckle.

"Why not waste a little more time?"
There were featherlight touches that scattered across his bare back as hands wrapped around his waist, and he was pulled flush against Lord Riddle.
He could feel the tickle of Tom's fluids drip down his thighs, which served as an echoing reminder of their intimacy.
He blanched for a moment.

Had he really-
The realization settled in, and he stepped back from Tom's hold.
"Oh my god." He whispered under his breath, and his bare feet lightly padded across the carpeted floor as backed up.
"You- you're married!" He cried out, a hand slowly coming up to cover his mouth, which began to burn as he remembered the filthy things he had done with his own master.
"You did this, Harry. You wanted to be punished and you made a request of me which I did not deny." Tom said smoothly, and his eyes flashed as he stepped towards the slim and shorter man.
He extended his arms outwards, beckoning for the other to return to his place within his arms.
"I am no angel, dear. Quite the opposite, in fact." The words fell from his lips, and it was sin all on its own.

Harry furrowed his brows in panic and his eyes began to drift away. He was feeling vile at the implication of being a homewrecker.
"No." Harry uttered, and he sidestepped Tom's outstretched hands.

He quickly walked around him and to the pile of discarded clothes on the floor, rushing to put on what salvageable pieces remained.
"You don't get to use me- you don't get to have your way with me while your wife is completely unaware! I will not be made a fool of." Harry started off, his voice becoming stronger as he spoke while the courage began to gather and blossom in his chest.

"Oh dear. I didn't mean to upset you, Harry. I'm only telling you the truth. If you refuse to listen to me, I suppose Satan's wrath shall reign, though you will be mine." Tom spoke, and though he was turned with his back facing towards the other, Harry felt the hair on his body prickle and stand on end, as if millions of eyes were glued onto him.
"W-what are you talking about?" Harry narrowed his eyes and stopped in his administrations, his shirt half pulled on as he began to glare.

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