let's get mischievous (cedarry)

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pairing is harry and cedric feat.
a party rendezvous !

The music thrummed under his skin and made his ears ache. It was, in itself, intoxicating, and the loud bass made his entire chest vibrate with excitement and from the closeness of the speaker.

Harry lay sprawled on the couch, lazily watching as people passed by him, their breaths mingling together and red cups slipping as they quickly forgot what they were doing when they turned to making out with the closest thing to them.
He hadn't gotten drunk. He hadn't done any drugs, actually. Not that he normally did them, but this was a party.
A party he'd been invited to with the intent to loosen him up.

It was no secret that the twins were geniuses and knew the ins and outs of a good time, so it was no surprise that they were able to hook up the occupants of the party with alcohol on top of giving them red eyes and a lazy smile void of any real enthusiasm.

Hermione had been adamant that they not attend the party, but Ron had insisted and stated they would have much more fun but they surely didn't have to get drunk or high.
Reluctantly, Hermione had given in when Harry said it might be some sort of fun.

So now he sat here, watching people with swollen eyes and dopey looks on their faces as they eyed each other with a hunger not unknown to those their age. He was bored and far too tired of watching as people made out or got too touchy in front of his gaze.
He was actively avoiding someone at this party for that very want, and he didn't blame himself for drawing his gaze away from those couples that reminded him of what he couldn't do, thank you very much.
Except it was very short lived.

A shock of red appeared in the corner of his eye and Harry looked up, his eyes feeling droopy and sleepy from having sat still for so long. Her voice was loud and strained- much louder than the music, otherwise he may have not heard her.

"Hey, Ginny." He greeted as she grinned at him, her lips red and puffy and her cheeks tinged a pale red.
"Ello! Listen-" she started, her hand slapping at Harry's leg as she plopped down onto the couch. Reluctantly, he scooted from his comfortable position and sat up, doing exactly as requested.

"We managed to get a couple of people who aren't so high or drunk to play a game...come join us?" She asked, her eyes narrowed playfully as she rose her brows suggestively.
"No thanks. Not interested. I'd rather take a nap." Harry dropped his head against the back of the couch and shut his eyes, his glasses awkwardly hanging onto his face.
"Right." Ginny said dryly as she got up and grabbed his hands, tugging him up to his feet.
"Anyways! It'll be fun! We are going to play some stupid child-like games, so it's not- Harry James Potter! Get up right now!" She pleaded.
Though it had no real affect as she was already tugging him across the room full of swaying bodies and up the stairs into the hallway where he could see familiar heads sat in a circle.

"Glad you could join us mate." Ron said with a pained expression, seeming as if he too had been roped into playing.
"Alright!" Ginny clapped her hands after pushing Harry to the side, forcing him to sit between Neville and Hermione. He greeted the rather worried boy with a wary smile. Neville smiled back with wide, nervous eyes, seeming just as unsure as he was.
"It'll be fun!" Hermione whispered, nudging his shoulder and, for the first time, seeming wild.

He looked closer and noticed her eyes were a slight color off, looking much closer to Ron's own eyes.
He shrugged at her and let out a soft sigh.
"We will be playing...you guessed it! Seven minutes in heaven!" She said cheerfully, winking at Harry. Distinctly, he wondered why he had been winked at specifically.
It was only a confirmation that nothing good was going to come from this.

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