the void artery (tomarry)

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a continuation of "bloodied halloween heart" ! this will be version 1 (TOMARRY) version.

TW: descriptions of gore/blood. (MAJOR) character deaths.

Harry was taken back to the manor and, in their panic, the group had decided not to call the police just yet.
After all, what if they got in trouble and became suspects?

Hermione was the first one to break, her eyes filled with tears as she looked at the still body of her best friend lying in Draco's bed.

"What are we going to do if...?"

The question hung in the air, the words thickly coated with suspense and unease.
"No. He's not...he's just...he probably just passed out." Draco assured, his hand tightly grasping onto the smaller one that lay limp in his hold.
He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, cursing himself for having turned away from Harry in their final moments together.
This was his fault, wasn't it?

The group sat in the now void and nearly silent manor after Blaise and Pansy cleated everyone out, forcing the drunk and hung over to go home safely along with the help of Ginny and Neville.

"What happened in there?" Ginny demanded, her hands on her hips as she narrowed her eyes at the blond.

"I-" he paused, hanging his head for a moment.
"And don't lie! We heard it all." She added with anger.

"Heard it?"
Draco looked up abruptly, his eyes scrutinizing her.
"That's right. I had set up a phone call through Harry's-"

"You fucking spied on us just for your goddamn curiosity?" Draco spat, his lips pulled back in a sneer.
"I should've known better than to trust a poor excuse of a Weasley, being what he believed was his best friend and sending him into a forest where he might have been killed! Do you think I don't feel guilty? He could've been hurt and I- I don't even remember a thing! How do you think I feel knowing he might as well be dead because of me?"
He finished, and tears were gathering in his eyes in his frustration. He turned his angered gaze to Harry and became soft once more, dropping heavily into his seat as he dropped his head on the bed. His forehead rested on Harry's unmoving arm.
"We heard you." She uttered, anger filling her voice once more. "You got mad at him- you fought him. Don't lie to me and try to convince me you didn't do thing to harm him."

"We kissed!" He whispered, his head raised as he looked at her.
Tears fell from his cheeks at the words, and the room became deathly silent.

Hermione and Ron sat frozen, their eyes transfixed on the scene before them.
Hermione squeezed Ron's fingers.
"I kissed him." He repeated, fingers at his lips as he stared, his eyes unfocused as the salty drops cascaded down his pale cheeks.
"And I loved him. I wouldn't ever do something like this to- him." He choked, his eyes returning to the raven-haired boy as he dropped his head.

Ginny stood for a moment, her gaze wavering as her lower lip began to tremble.
She inhaled sharply and turned around.
She ran out the bedroom door, leaving Hermione and Ron with the broken blond who began to weep.

Hermione looked at Ron who seemed torn between upset and betrayed, but his eyes never left Harry.
"We should give them some space, I think. We can come back in a moment, Draco needs some time to cool off."
She murmured, his eyes flitting between the ginger's expression and her friend's limp body.
She could only hope he would wake soon.

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