the one malfunction (tomarry)

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Continuation of technical difficulties by your requests !
Pairing: tomarry

Tom threw Harry on his back on the sofa, grabbing at his thighs to pull him closer.
"You're mine." He uttered dangerously, running his hands under his shirt to feel the expanse of skin.

The robot parted his legs, wrapping them around the man's waist.
"Yours?" Harry asked , his skin flushed.

It was insane to think that this was a robot.

"Mine." Tom agreed, leaning forward to capture the lips that couldn't be any softer.

Harry arched up against Tom, his chest pressing into the persistent hands.

"Please." He murmured, his tongue briefly crossing between their lips.

It was a moment that Tom took his time, his eyes tracking the movement of the pink muscle.
He couldn't..  could he?
It was a robot for god's sake!

In a moment, his head started spinning.

Tom pulled away, his mind running through the many scenarios that could occur.

Not only was it a robot who was provocative- it was wanted!
The connections quickly began to gather in his mind's eye.
The sudden appearance of a robot after so many had been destroyed, the timing-
It all matched up, and the lab had even called him to report it.

Did that mean it was so realistically human and could mimic these things- that it was dangerous ?

He snapped back to reality when the robot pushed him over on the couch, quickly straddling him.
A scientist.

His legs had just been wrapped around his waist, what happened..?

"I'm not allowing you to ruin my chance." Harry said firmly.

It was a shame that the robot was wanted, he certainly was beautiful.

"Chance? You'll be taken apart by my hands if you don't remove your self off my being and- hey!" Tom wasn't one to talk so casually and shout, but when the robot had reached behind himself and ripped off his sweatpants in a second, it was a little difficult to control himself.

"You are quite lovely." The breathy voice that came out from the parted lips was full of sin, he could feel the longing coming off the small male in waves.

The small hands drifted across his chest, feeling the smooth, pale skin.

"Get. Off." Tom growled, pushing at the robot's clothed chest.
Ah, he seemed to have forgotten that it was all the robot was wearing.

"I think not, dear Tom." The dark haired boy purred, his eyes glowing the eerie green that had initially  drawn him in.

The said man stared intently at the robot, his heart racing as he thought of ways to get out of this situation.
He was a scientist... He should know what to do...

Water. That usually worked to help it shirt circuit- but how?
He didn't have any objects that could be used as a weapon against this thing, and the kitchen was too far for his liking.
There wasn't much that Tom could see from his position as his head held down by the small, strong hand on his forehead.

Small size had absolutely nothing to do with the apparent power the robot held.

The robot's hips moved, grinding against his own as he scrambled for purchase.
Which just so happened to be the strong, tan thighs.

"Glad to find you getting used to it." Harry smiled sweetly and tilted his head, his lips parting as he increased the pressure.

"Oh!" Tom got out under his breath, his hands tightening their grip.

They only obstactle that was between them was their undergarments, though Harry did have on his large shirt.

He couldn't deny the little robot was attractive, especially in his clothes. That wasnt what was important though, it must've had something wrong with it in order for it to be reported that way. How could it be so important that the robot had to be found right away?

Harry threw off the much too big shirt and got on his knees to pull down Tom's boxers.

The man grunted and put a hand in the dark hair, pulling at it as lewd sounds echoed throughout the room.
"Stop- I'm not-" Tom uttered, his eyes falling shut for a moment as he groaned.
He supposed those lips looked prettier wrapped around him.

It had been a few minutes of him groaning and thrusting his hips, his face bursting with color as the attention was solely focused on him.
He threw his head back when there was a sudden pressure in his lower belly.

Harry pulled away, his lips swollen and shiny as he grinned up at Tom.

"Ready for me already? My! So impatient!" The boy laughed with mirth, his eyes bright as he removed his own garments.

Tom's eyes were drawn to his chest, to trail down the smooth tan skin and bright nubs on his chest.
His eyes fell lower, trailing to the slight muscle definition and then-

Harry moved over Tom, aligning himself with his erection before swiftly going down in one smooth movement.

The robot moaned a breathy sound that left Tom's ears ringing and wishing for more.

He was obscenely tight around him, and oh, it was a wonderful feeling.
"Harry." He breathed, his hands moving up to touch the length that stood proudly.

"Not yet, you can't touch me." He smiled and forced the larger hands to his circling hips.

The man groaned at the friction and reached up, his lips making contact with the soft, pink ones above.

Instead of waiting for the humanoid to move, he impatiently thrusted up roughly before keeping up a brutal pace.

It was addicting, something he didn't know that would've even come upon him overnight.

Harry jolted and let out a loud whine, his nails digging into the pale shoulders as the brutal pace continued.
"Oh! To- Tom! Don't stop !" He breathed out before kissing him to prevent further talking. His voice was beginning to sound as if static was infiltrating his artificial vocal chords.

All thoughts ran out Tom's ears as it quickly filled with Harry.
The robot.
No- just Harry.


The tan male smiled, his eyes shining such a bright green it was blinding,
everything turned green-

                then it all went black.

I want to make a quick note that I appreciate you readers being patient enough to wait so long!!! I know it's been such a long time since I updated, and would you believe me if I said I wrote the previous chapter all in one day? Insane! Would you also believe I did that for this chapter as well?

Thank you all for being so patient and lovely! I'll have a special chapter coming up next ;)

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