if the heavens ever did speak (nevarry)

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neville and harry pairing !
something short and cute for them on my birthday <3

The woods.
It was fascinating as it was- the scenery was grand with leaves of orange and yellow and dull green that fell in gentle swoops. Birds sung softly and the breeze blew their tunes through the air, the sound twisting around the leaves as it was swept into the wind.

Harry laid against the bottom of the tree, his head propped up on the tree trunk of dark wood. The earthly smells tingled his nostrils and he felt a sense of peace drift over his body as he breathed in heavily, soaking up the entirety of the grove.
He had no thoughts in mind as he looked at the sky through the growth of leaves. It was a fairly nice day and there was the pale shade of blue that appeared through the leaves. The clouds were faint, but it was beautiful nonetheless.
At least, Harry could appreciate it.
He closed his eyes and began to think everything over- the main reason why he was here and not there.
Running from his relatives had done a good number on him, and that wasn't even when taking into account the pain that refused to leave his abdomen from the beating he'd received.
He'd just run away from his Aunt and Uncle.
It wasn't anything unusual- Harry was into a bloke and, when the fact was revealed by that of Dudley Dursley, his cousin....it didn't go too well.
He was just glad he'd gotten out with anything worse than his bruised cheek and bloody forehead. It was something he could work with.
He was free.
Now, however, he had to deal with the more prominent issues that came from running away.
He let out a groan and tenderly massaged the side of his stomach before laying still once more.
There was a noise that erupted from his left, and Harry had moved too fast and-
He let out a pained sound as he scrambled to his feet and gripped the bag that had been under his head only seconds ago.
Leaning against the tree, Harry looked for who had disturbed his peace.
A pale face blinked back at him, and horror fell across the features of the boy his age.
"Oh- Harry."
He breathed out softly, and suddenly Neville was just in front of him, his tall form towering over Harry before he was enveloped in a hug.
He hissed under his breath when arms tightened around his torso, and Neville had backed off so quickly Harry was afraid he must've pushed him off.
"I'm so sorry-" he gasped out.
His hands were gentle as they held his cheeks and turned them over, scanning his face for the damage.
"Harry...what happened?" He asked quietly.
His eyes were wide and disbelieving and his hair ruffled in the breeze.
Harry felt his heart ache as he stared into the face of the boy he had grown far too attached to.
"I-I ran away." He said after a while, his eyes fluttering closed when Neville ran the tips of his fingers over the budding purple on his cheekbone. He let out a sigh at the touch, and it was hard to believe that Neville stood in front of him- his gentle demeanor there to comfort Harry.
"I'm fine, don't worry."
He smiled, uncaring whether or not he looked terrible or not.
"God, I'm- I'm going to go and-" his face contorted into anger.
It was something Harry rarely ever saw on the other's face and it looked so utterly wrong.
"It's going to be okay." He promised.
Without thinking, Harry took Neville's hands from his face and into his own, his thumb slowly caressing the back of his palm.
The boy looked startled for a moment and his hands had jumped back before relaxing. His face became a soft shade of pink and he opened his mouth to speak before shutting it, as if he had thought better of his words.
There was only the sound of the birds and the breeze as they stared into each other's eyes, and Harry felt it was his turn to take things into his own hands.
No more waiting, no more waiting for something to happen when it was only inches from him.
Harry murmured, distraught.
He furrowed his brows and, after a moment of thought, he slowly leaned up.
The tension was building every moment Harry got closer, and he could feel his heart rate spike in his chest as the distance between them began to close. His eyes were shutting so slowly that it was as if everything were in slow motion.
Neville was looking at him in shock, as if nothing was registering, and his lips were parted and his face had returned to a flush of soft pink.
Harry closed the distance between them.
Their lips met and it was far better than Harry could have ever imagined.
Neville was shy and Harry didn't expect him to be the best kisser- hell, Harry only kissed two people ever at secondary school.
But this?
This was much more than just some offhanded kiss that was lazily planted on just a smidge of lips.
It was soft and gentle and slow-
It was just what Harry needed right now.

He felt his glasses press into his nose as he became much more interested in the kiss. He was pushing closer to Neville and he could feel the warm hands rest on his hips over his jumper. His own hands came up to cup Neville's face as they kissed, and he had long since forgotten about the bag that had lay discarded after their initial encounter.
"I-" Neville pulled away, looking dazed.
"I'm sorry, I didn' think about how you might-" Harry said, horrified that he had interpreted Neville's lack of resistance as consent.
"Oh no! No, no, my god you are fantastic! I didn't mind the snogging, I just- wow." He rushed out in a single breath, his eyes bright and sparkling in a way Harry had only ever seen when he talked about his favorite types of plants.
"You- you like me?" Harry sputtered out, feeling as if his face were on fire despite the cool temperature of the day.
Neville clutched at Harry's hands and laughed, shaking his head.
"Of course I do! I am so sorry, I-I've really liked you for a while now, I just didn't think you liked me back...I'm weird, strange even. I'm not some normal guy like everyone else and you have so many more-"
Harry, fed up with where Neville was going, rolled his eyes and got onto his tiptoes before planting a hard kiss on Neville's lips.
"Now that I have your attention..." his lips twisted into a sly smile at the look of embarrassment on Neville's face.
"I like you too. It was actually- it was part of the reason why I ran away.... My cousin found out and accidentally-"
"No!" Neville said, and he looked even angrier than he had earlier.
"I can't believe that two timing-"
"Neville! It's okay, I'll get through it. Besides, I work. I can find some place to stay easily and I have my clothes-"
"Stay with me." Neville said quickly, his hands gripping on much tighter now before he softened his grip.
"Stay with me and my nan- we have plenty of room. She's usually out anyways, it's mostly just me at home."
"I, well-" Harry choked, feeling a stinging sensation starting to burn behind his eyes.
"I will consider it..."
"No. You will come stay with me and my nan." Neville said, this time much more firm in his stance.
"Thank you." Harry said in a watery voice, and he turned his head when he scrubbed under his glasses at his dripping eyes.

"You don't mind staying here a bit, do you?"
"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

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