hour of darkness/hour of light (tomarry, past drarry)

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tomarry (past drarry, sorry)

Harry Potter has just managed to survive in a group during an apocalypse. Luckily for him, he has a blond boyfriend to accompany him.
Well, had.
Enter Tom Riddle, who is a final year, and zombies aren't their only worry.

warning for nsfw (gore included)

There was a soft breeze that shook the trees, and leaves fell in a gentle cascade before blowing over into the dark asphalt of the street.
There was a movement of a couple of cars as they quietly made their way down the very same street, and, though there were other cars, it was empty, for the cars didn't move.

They came to a halt at a shopping center. The car doors opened up quickly as only two members came out from one of them.
A young boy with dark black hair had come out from the backseat, and his hair was an unruly thing that blew over his forehead when the wind went by. He was skinny yet lithe.
His glasses, much like his face, had speckles of blood that coated the frames and there was tape on one of the arms, indicating there had been a former incident in which they had broken off.
A backpack was hoisted on his back and he held a baseball bat wrapped with barbed wire. A knife holster was attached around his thigh.

From the other car, a blond had appeared, looking very much the part of a frightened boy. He was skinny and taller than the other, but he too had an empty backpack on him. In his hands, he wielded an axe.

The two made their way through the quiet plaza, and they looked at each other before going into a yet-to-be-broken-into grocery store. Harry, the boy with black hair, had gone first. His hand had slowly pushed open the door, and a soft tinkling could be heard emitting from the door at his entry. His green eyes scanned the area and, apart from being messy with some damage, it had looked fairly clear.
He beckoned for the other, who was named Draco, to follow him, and they both went in.

"You were insane." The words hung thickly in the air as Harry stuffed his bag full of canned goods while Draco took to stocking up on the dried foods. They'd put whatever water bottles would fit in and figured they would carry the rest back to the car.
"I only did what I had to do." Harry had said. He bit back his words as he recalled what had happened only a few days earlier.

No one had wanted to discuss it then, but here he and Draco were. Alone. Harry especially, and he could not rely on his friends to tell the other to shut up.
"You could've died! What were you thinking to go back and save Granger?" He'd hissed, and Harry turned just in time to see the sneer that had crossed the pointed features.
"She's my friend, one of the best. She's also the one who's been saving our asses with rationing and planning." Harry said sharply, and Draco seemed to reel from the strength of his words.
"Better her than you! You've managed to do the same, and even better, you always get us out. Whatever you think, stop it. We need to worry about your survival- our survival."
The words echoed in the empty store and Harry had had enough.
He slammed down a box he'd just emptied into a second bag, and he gripped onto the handle of his bat tightly.
"If you don't give a damn about my friends, then you likely don't care about their survival. Your friends aren't too great, but I don't tell you to leave them behind! There is no 'our' if everyone isn't included."
He narrowed his eyes and slung his backpack over his shoulder before grabbing a package of water bottles.
"Hurry up so we can get out of here."
Draco didn't go any further.

When they got back to the cars, Harry threw his bag into the backseat, nearly hitting Ron who grumbled under his breath about how heavy the cans were and how he could've gotten hurt.
"Sorry." Harry said absentmindedly, and he closed the car door despite wanting to slam it closed. He saw Draco get into the other car after sparing him a glance. He looked away.
"What was that about?" Asked Neville from the front, and Harry let out a sigh.
"Sorry- he got on me for helping Hermione again...when we escaped."
The car went quiet and Hermione, who'd been in the front passenger seat, froze. She'd been looking at the map in her lap and marking their destination.
"Sorry." He repeated, but Ron was instantly red.
"He what?!" He roared, and he was already trying to pull open the car door without a second to spare.
"Don't!" Hermione snapped, and Ron let out an angered grunt as he threw himself against the seat, reluctantly listening to his girlfriend.
"I'm going to break up with him. I can't do this anymore." Harry murmured, and he looked down at his shoes as Hermione drew in a breath.
"Harry- I know you care a lot about me and, don't get me wrong, I am glad you are...protecting me from his antics," she paused, and Harry could practically feel her angered gaze towards the other car that started, waiting for Neville to take the lead back.
"This is your relationship. It's understandable he wouldn't want you to try and get yourself killed over me."
Harry sighed and drew himself up into his seat.
"I don't know, 'Mione. I'm not going to deal with this in a bloody apocalypse. I couldn't let you-" he choked, and the memory of her nearly being bitten by the dead shell of who was formerly Lavender Brown played behind his eyes.

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