mine (tomarry)

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mature themes, kinda cute and all over the place though.

Bland. Boring. It was everything he was used to.
There was no deviation from his usual routine of sleeping, going to the library and studying.
Then it was Harry heading home, alone, to eat and sleep before repeating his day.
He would go to university and return home tired. He often tagged along with his friends but felt too much like a third wheel- and it became apparent that he was less likely to hang out with them when he started vanishing before they could even ask him to join them.

Harry was slowly becoming depressed if he was honest.

It was horrible and all he could find comfort in included things like "true crime"  and actually studying for psychology- hell, he started taking up criminology classes for the hell of it. It was the one thing that kept him from sleeping all day and failing his classes. It was a motivator to find out what exactly these killers thought, how their minds worked and why they bothered doing what they did.
He just wanted something, anything that could give him sort of reason to be invested in life again. There was no appeal.
Everyday, it was a struggle to find some sort of reason to continue living.
Except, he lived to thoroughly study death.

It was a Friday afternoon when Harry decided he would finally change it up. There was nothing like trying a new place to get coffee, and so he did exactly that.
It was a sort of...funky place, if you will, called Misty Mournin' (a play on words, he later realized). The decor was somehow cheerful and yet tragic. There were skulls hung around the cafe and puffy clouds of cotton (or some sort of soft, shimmery material... Harry didn't know) surrounding them, making it seem ethereal and horrifying at the same time. There was more decor Harry couldn't quite see completely from the entrance, but he couldn't help but walk up to the counter in a daze.
Harry felt himself fall in love with the place immediately.

He greeted the cashier, sparing the girl a glance before looking up at the menu.

"Welcome to Misty Mournin'," the young blonde smiled at him dreamily, her large, pale eyes peering at him from behind her oddly shaped plastic sunglasses that hung loosely over her nose.
Strange considering the lighting in the cafe, but he didn't question it.
It suited her somehow.

"What can I get for you today?"

"You choose. I've got no real taste." He responded absentmindedly, eyes still roaming over the many, many interesting names that made their presence known on the large overhead menu.
"Sounds wonderful! That'll be £3.25. I'll have it ready in a bit! Please, take a seat." She shooed him off after he paid and he felt a pleasant thrum of fondness settle in his chest as he nodded.
He would absolutely be coming back.
"Thank you."

He took his seat near one of the windows and dug through his book bag. It was a while of digging through the mess before he was finally able to take out his books and a journal.
He set to studying for his classes in the meantime.

Time passed by quickly and, before he knew it, he was handed a pale to dark purple drink full of glittery sparkles that looked to be edible. It was surprising, to say the least, and he thanked the young lady before asking her name.
"Oh! It's Luna. Enjoy your drink." She smiled at him and returned to her place behind the counter, occupying her time with cleaning and adding more decorations by the register.
The cafe itself wasn't too busy at the moment and only a few people were scattered throughout the establishment, but Harry knew it would quickly become popular among the teens.

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