i hope that you catch me (ronarry)

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pairing: Ron/Harry
requested by: @kenmasgamer2 and @hpmalfoy7
short and sweet!

Harry sat across from Ron and Hermione, watching as the two conversed amongst each other.
He could feel the familiar flare in his chest begin to burn the longer he watched.
What was the point of this anymore?
He hated coming out anymore- hated seeing the two always together. He was sick of it!
Why even bother inviting him if he was left out? If no one was going to include him and they would playfully fight with each other or whisper things-

Abruptly, Harry stood from his seat in the cafe and grabbed his messenger bag.
"Sorry. I have to go." He said plainly, eyes flashing as he spun on his heel.
He could hear his heartbeat loudly in his ears, could feel the burn of his blood as it began to boil beneath his skin.
He could see Hermione in his head- her smile wide as she looked at Ron. Then Ron looking at her, his eyes bright and his lips pulled into his crooked grin.
He felt anger.
Anger that it wasn't him. Anger that he wasn't the one to receive that look.

After all this time, after being best friends with Ron for so long... it was a horrible conclusion, truthfully. Harry had realized long ago that his feelings were fading for anyone other than the particular ginger he'd shared a dorm with many times.
And now, here he was. Running away from this.
Because he couldn't handle it anymore. He couldn't handle the fact that Ron wouldn't fall in love with him- no!
Why would he, when he had Hermione? Ron and Hermione. It'd always been that way.

He grabbed the door handle and threw the door open, absentmindedly feeling guilty that the bell clanged loudly as it hit the frame.
He was done.
He marched out onto the sidewalk and began to angrily make his way back to uni. Back to his dorm where he would collapse into his bed and ignore the fact that Ron would come to their shared flat later asking him what was wrong.
He was already a few blocks down the street, his strides long and wide as he began to practically race back.
Then a hand grabbed at his wrist, pulling him back.
Ron was looking at him, panic clear across his features. He was breathing hard, his cheeks flushed.
"I was trying to catch up to you, but blimey...you were so bloody fast!..."

"Yeah. Well, you should go back to Hermione. I'll be fine." Harry responded scathingly, tugging back his hand.
"No- Hermione?" He blinked at him in confusion, his brows furrowed. "What are you on about, mate?"

"Hermione! God, Ron, you're such a dolt! Clearly you two like each other, I don't want any part of it!" He shouted. He could feel his heartbeat quicken in his chest, could feel the nausea as he began to realize his world was coming down far too fast.
Ron would get mad at him, get disgusted that Harry liked him. He would turn him away and forget him. He'd move out and-
"What?!" Ron shouted back, though he wasn't angry.
No, he looked far more confused.
"Just stop, okay? I know you two are together."
"Harry! We aren't together! I-..." Ron said, trailing off.
"I... fuck! You messed this up. I was going to wait, I didn't think anything would happen sooner. I like you, Harry. "
His face was beginning to slowly turn red. So red, in fact, his freckles were beginning to blend into the bright color.
"You-!" Harry started, his eyes widening.
He stood for a moment, staring at the tall ginger.
"You what?"
"I like you, you idiot." Ron muttered, blue eyes gazing off to the side.
He let go of Harry, and he could feel his hand drop to his side.
"You like...me? Not Hermione?" He asked again, his face converting from anger to pure shock.
"Yes!" Ron hissed back, eyes narrowing in defense. "Are you deaf or what?"
"No, no, I just- Ron. I thought..."

He was beginning to think his stomach had begun settle down, then it hit him.
Ron liked him too.
Butterflies immediately erupted in his body, and he could feel the anger leave him instantly.
"Oh my god." He brought a hand up to his chest, clutching at his jumper.
"I know...I shouldn't have said anything." Ron cringed and stepped back, giving them more distance.

Harry grabbed his large freckled hand between both of his, pulling him closer.
"God, Ron- I like you too. A lot. Probably a lot more than a lot." He got out in a rush.
He could feel his face warming but god, he didn't care anymore. This was real. Ron was real.

"You do?" Ron breathed, his eyes wide and jaw slack.
"I thought you weren't into blokes, so I didn't want to...ya know."
"Oh, absolutely not. Ron, I liked Cedric. Don't you remember?"
"Oh, him." Ron gritted out, and Harry could feel himself laughing, his nerves dissipating.
"Yeah, I 'member him. Rich and fake, if you ask me. 'Anything you need, Harry?' 'I can help you, if you need anything' ugh!"
"God- this entire time I thought you were in love with Hermione!" He gasped, wiping tears of laughter from his eyes with his other hand.
"Yuck! No offense, love 'mione but definitely not. She was the one who told me to go after you."

"God, you're an idiot." Harry smiled, his cheeks beginning to ache from having his face expressing so much joy.
"You're holding my hand, by the way." Ron pointed out, and Harry felt himself crumble as he pulled away his hands.
"No...I liked it." He said immediately, taking Harry's hands into his own.
Faintly, he could feel a drop of water hit his head.
He didn't seem to mind it even when a few more slid down his cheeks.

"So...can I kiss you or is that too weird?"
"Definitely weird." Harry responded as he tip toed, doing his best to reach the others height.
Damn Ron's never ending growth spurt.

He could hear the other laugh at his attempt, and Ron was leaning down, his free hand on Harry's cheek, cupping it gently.
Harry didn't bother to continue the hand holding- they could do that later.
He threw his arms around the others neck, pulling him down even more.
He could distantly feel another hand at his waist, but he didn't seem to mind it.
He was far too busy feeling the soft tenderness that came from Ron- the feeling of warmth that rushed through him as they kissed.

The rain came down harder and it had struck Harry that it was currently raining outside on the both of them.
Fuck it.

He kissed him hard, trying to pour all his built up emotions into the kiss.
From high school to college to now.
He was breathless, and it was everything everyone always said it was.
Warm, passionate- and he could smell the intoxicating scent of Ron that had always clung to him when they parted ways.
It was his now, and so was Ron.

He could feel Ron clutching onto him and the burning warmth that came from the man's cheeks.
To Harry, it felt incredible to not to be the one to be making him blush instead of some girl, but to feel that same blush against his own cheeks, warming him.

His clothes were beginning to stick to his body. His sleeves clung to his arms, making them feel heavy as the fabric of his jumper got wet.

Ron pulled away, his forehead resting on Harry's and shielding his face from the rain.
For a moment, they looked into each other's eyes. He could see Ron's blue was nearly swallowed by the black of his pupil.
He swallowed thickly, his heart fluttering.

"Should we go back to 'mione and tell her the good news?"

"I think she already knows."
Said woman appeared behind the ginger, a smile on her face as she handed them an umbrella.
She herself already had her coat on and umbrella open, and her bushy mane of hair was tied back in a low bun with strands hanging by her ears.

"You guys should get home... make sure you clean up, please. You'll get a cold. Have fun...I'll see you two later!"
She turned and left the two alone with a laugh, leaving Harry feeling flustered and Ron groaning about her motherly tone.
"Swear. She's so annoying when she's like that. Lets go, Harry."
"Yeah. Lets go." He laughed, giving his cheek a final kiss as they opened the umbrella.
Ron took the umbrella into his hand, holding it above the both of them as they went down the sidewalk.

They held hands the entire way and arrived to their shared flat with grinning, pink faces and sopping wet clothes.

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