wildly sleek (drarry)

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pairing: drarry
no animosity but there is smut. florist! harry and posh! draco as per usual.

Lively white lilies were placed at the storefront window, beckoning for anyone passing to enter into the small flower shop to view their luminous and bright petals.
Behind the display of white flowers were pre-made arrangements of roses colored in shades of red and yellow. The vibrant colors stood out against the lilies.
The colors were the reason why the shop was so popular among customers, and it was rarely ever empty.
The store was called "The Leafy Longbottom" and it belonged to his dear friend Neville, but Harry took to working under him and quickly became accustomed to the store while Neville remained manager and owner. There were a few other workers, but Harry usually found himself working alone.
There was no problem with that.

"Harry, do you mind covering Friday? My nan called and told me I have to help her 'round the house. Awfully messy, she said. Do you mind? I'll pay you, of course!"
"Don't worry, Nev. I'll cover it."

It was never bustling, but it was busy, with a handful of real customers at a time while many browsed the shop to simply look and take pictures of the beautiful arrangements and plants.

Harry never minded this, as he thought he would do the same if he didn't work there. He saw these flowers every day, but he understood the marvel at the colors and types of flowers in the shop.
He still could look at the flowers for hours and study the petals, could look forever at the fuzzy stems and neat leaves. Not to mention the many other plants they had.
It's why he loved working here.
It was almost always serene and tranquil and smelled wonderfully of nature and earth.
He couldn't wish for anything better.

It was a rather warm day in London, and Harry found himself getting hot in his over-large button up shirt. He rolled up his baggy sleeves to his elbows and readjusted the top button on the shirt to get more air. He fixed the florist apron and tightened the tie around his waist, taking care that it didn't slip off his thin and lean frame.

He heard the door jingle and signal that someone was walking in, and so he took to organizing the area by the counter to the best of his abilities.
Harry moved the colorful mini pots with plastic plants by the register and dusted off his light red apron before looking up through his glasses.
He saw a blond blob of hair walk in, though it looked more like he was strutting.

Harry looked up, running a hand through his messy hair as he hesitantly decided to greet his customer.
"Good afternoon! My name is Harry and I'll be assisting you today." He said politely, giving a small smile to the pale and elegant man who seemed to finally turn his attention to Harry.
"Ah. Good afternoon." He said without much thought, his light brows raising and eyes roaming over the raven haired man.

Harry felt himself being judged, though he decided he wouldn't pay much attention to it. He didn't quite like feeling like squirming and feeling awkward at the moment. He was dreadfully tired after attending a party with his mates the night before.
"Right..." he said after silence ensued between the two.
"What or who are you looking to buy some plants for? I can help with recommendations!" Harry started, making his way from behind the counter.
The store was pretty empty at this time anyway, so he figured it couldn't hurt to actually go to someone one-on-one and leave the register unattended.

"My mother." Was all he said, and his eyes were practically glued on the currently moving form of Harry.
Up close, Harry could see the sleek wealth that the man exerted.
He was truly a blond, if he could even be labeled as that, for it was nearly platinum. His skin was extremely fair and his hair was very much akin to that. He wore a deep black suit with a black tie that accentuated his already light features.
His eyes, though, stood out. A contrast of silver blue that were prominent among fair lashes.
He didn't seem to quite fit in with the dainty flower shop, though his looks could easily be compared to the flowers.
He was all sharp features and the plants were soft.
Harry, mentally, was shocked at his observations and came to the conclusion that the man was very much good looking and emitted the very essence of money and class. 
He recoiled.

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