the secret in shadow (tomarry)

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In which Harry is a servant under Riddle and his wife, though Tom seems to want him to do more than just clean and cook..

Theme: ... you probably can guess 
Pairing (s):
Tom/Harry. (Minor: Tom/Bellatrix , Harry/Ginny, Harry/Draco)

Tom was a man in his forties living in a mansion with his wife, a previously widowed woman by the name of Bellatrix.
He knew she hadn't only married him for his looks, charm, and wealth.
She, quite frankly, adored him.
It didn't seem to bother him, though, as he never looked forward to having a child... nonetheless with her.

It had been a cold day that he'd found someone to look after, though that someone was more of a servant than anything, a possession of Tom's.
He was on a stroll with Bellatrix, looking through the windows of shops with a bored expression before his eyes grazed over something.

They had walked in, and Bellatrix had set off in search of the dark dress she'd seen in the window on display.

There was a boy who looked to be young, but even Tom could see that he was thinner than the others, and his eyes-
His eyes were a startling green, unlike any green Tom had ever seen in the dull faces of the aristocrats.

The boy looked up at him and rose from his last customer, tossing a dirty rag on his shoulder.

"Good morning sir, would you like your shoes to be polished?"
The boy, now having a little fatigue lurking in his eyes, gave a small, unsure smile.

He had a thin, lithe frame and was on the verge of being too thin.

"Of course not," He saw the hope fade from his eyes and was patient to correct himself, "but I would like to offer you something else...instead."

The dark-haired boy looked back up at him, brows furrowed as he adjusted his round spectacles.
"An offer of what sort?" He asked hesitantly, emerald eyes drifting off to make sure no one was watching.

Tom Riddle leaned in and bathed in the pride of making the boy glow pink.
"Well... you could work under me and my wife, I'd pay you fairly, you'd get a place to stay... and you'll be allowed to wander on your free day."

It was something even he hadn't expected from himself, but the boy had drawn him in, and he needed to see why he craved him so.
People were disposable, and a boy on the street wouldn't be an exception to the rule.

The boy parted his lips, shut them, and swallowed before finally nodding his head.
"I'll do it."

Giving the younger male a smile that presented all his pearly-white teeth, he held out his hand.
"Tom Riddle, a pleasure to make business with you."

The green eyed boy looked at him in shock and recognition, flushing even as he, once again, shut his mouth and shook his hand.
"Harry. Harry Potter."

It was the most common name for someone so delectable.
Tom promised he'd make him more than someone common.


☆*:.。.  .。.:*☆

The first time Tom had gotten after Harry, he hadn't taken action.

Harry had been nineteen at that time he started and Tom had easily slipped him into a schedule.
For most days, he'd wake him and his wife for breakfast and simply clean around the house or tend to the back garden.
He had chores but was paid well enough to even buy a nice suit.

Instead of doing so, Tom had heard that the boy went around town and simply handed money to his friends that needed it..
He'd have a boy wasting his money needlessly if all he did was give it out.

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