the phantom (tomarry)

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inspired by phantom of the opera since i rewatched it recently. something i wanted to write for a while but never go to do. inspired by zombu7's artwork on twitter!

minor cedric/harry.
major tom/harry.

The opera house was all he had known.
It had all started when he was a young boy, unfortunately.
His parents were both famous opera singers that had both been killed for their wealth...leaving Harry as the only surviving member of his family. He'd been lucky that a family friend by the name of Albus Dumbledore, also a widely known opera singer, had been around at the time.

However, Dumbledore hadn't stayed in Britain, and so he and Harry left to France after the man's connections had confirmed there was a place for him once he'd turned eleven, where Harry started anew.
It was here that he found his passion.

Harry was truly known as Hadrian Potter, but preferred to be called Harry as a nickname. It was lucky that Dumbledore was the man taking care of him, for he probably wouldn't have gotten as far as he had without him.

Harry was a good mixture of both his father and mother. He had her green eyes framed by thick lashes and her height, but he had his father's long curly hair and lithe body type.
He was rather thin for a boy, not to mention short. He was put to dance with the others in a way that made his life only slightly more difficult.
Rather than be placed with the boys, he was to train with the girls due to his lack of stature.
Intense training occurred immediately once Harry had gotten himself situated in the opera house. It was ballet from day to night, no matter how much his calves and thighs protested from the strain.

Despite his identity as a male, he was treated in a way that...made him more dainty than he was.
The young boys teased him in ways they didn't tease the girls, but none ever took it upon themselves to truly make fun of or belittle him for their fear of Dumbledore.
However, this didn't mean that there were no advancements made towards him.
He found early on that the boys seemed to treat him in two ways: as if he was a girl as well as a boy.

Some days he could play around with them and tussle. They would playfully fight while they would set up the stage and he would laugh and feel accepted. Other days, they would tease him for his costumes, would tease him about the way he was far too pretty to actually do anything.

To escape this, he found himself wandering the opera alone some days. While it was widely believed that the opera was haunted by a phantom, he didn't find himself believing into it. The story was most likely fiction, and Harry knew that it would only aid him in becoming more isolated as the others feared they would run into the entity.

He would sing to himself in the dark, desolate rooms and murmur, wondering when his "angel" would fall from his heaven to aid him in his journey.

His father had always spoke of one to his mother. He'd told her that, someday, an angel of music would befall Harry and sing to him of things so grand that he himself would have the voice of an angel.
Every night, he cherished these memories.

And so, he took it upon himself to practice in secret. He would scavenge the extra copies of the sheet music left behind, though it was usually for the female lead. He couldn't help himself, and if it meant learning higher notes, he would push himself.

He couldn't bear to ask for help, and so he would wrack his brain of the things Dumbledore had mentioned before. He worked on his presence, on carrying his voice as far as he could in the empty rooms or at night on the roof. He would do anything and everything.

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