burn a hole inside my pride (snarry)

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requested by @pandabear2803
ft. some nsfw but nothing major.
unfortunately i got antsy with it so it's a bit rush- hopefully still just as good though!

Between spying on the enemy and on his own boss, Harry decides to follow the real truth that he comes to find along the way... or, when they finally decide to stop playing cat and mouse.

Severus Snape.
It was a name many people knew. One some people feared.

Before the fear, he'd been alongside Dumbledore, who'd kept his secret hidden until Snape himself had betrayed the man. He'd used some of the drugs he created specifically against the old man, and it was then that their trust had been solidly broken.
After that, Dumbledore only cared to expose him, expose the reality of the man who wore black and refused to give any real explanation.

Severus Snape was supposedly in the drug ring, and there was something about creating some of the most powerful agents that could easily make a man pass out with just a single sniff.

Harry entered the busy agency, his eyes cautiously roaming over the many people that bumbled around him, each one on their own path to success.
Maybe not so grand of a success, but success nonetheless.

He walked up three floors worth of steps after taking the initial elevators, feeling compelled to avoid even more elevators he knew would be stuffed full of agents and scientists alike.

He found the door labeled "Chief Dumbledore" and stood in front of it, his eyes raking over the mahogany wood door before he slowly brought his fist up, intending on knocking.
A voice spoke out before his knuckle even touched the wood.

"Come in, Mr. Potter."

Far too shocked to say anything, Harry opened the large, chestnut colored door and entered the room.
The first thing he noticed was the old man behind the desk.
A familiar face.

"Harry." Dumbledore greeted, a smile spreading across his face as his eyes twinkled.
"It's good to see you, my boy."

"Thank you, Dumbledore. It's good to see you too." He returned the smile, and he could easily recall the days that the man had spent in his childhood, appearing here and there while he was raised by his aunt and uncle.

They had a couple of years in which they knew each other, so he knew better than to ignore the email that had been labeled "important!" that he'd received  directly from the man.
From there, his own agency had been contacted and he was transferred under Dumbledore so he would be able to work directly with him.
Easy, right?

"Now, I'm afraid I do have a lot to ask from you." The man started, his half-moon glasses perched on his nose as he peered at the array of documents spread across his desk.
Funny, the door seemed to match the interior decor. The desk was the same color.

"Please, do take a seat."

He did exactly that, and scooted closer as Dumbledore began to explain the significance of the documents.

"This, of course, is where you come in. I've heard of your excellence in gathering information from individuals and your mission. I've decided that you, and you alone, will be working on this mission. I cannot afford any mishaps." The old man spoke, his wrinkled hand coming up to his rather long beard before twisting it around his fingers.
"Severus Snape is still at large, and while I hate to put you at forefront, I've seen what you can do. You have what it takes."

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