as the earth burns to the ground (drarry)

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sad with some smut.

The two were side by side on the couch, hands intertwined as Harry leaned his head on a sturdy shoulder.
He began to nod off as they watched the telly, the show buzzing in his ears as a couple argued on screen.
He watched as his eyes began to close, began to flutter as he saw the bright, colorful people move around.
Draco rubbed his thumb soothingly on the back of Harry's hand, a small smile across his lips.
The raven-haired man let out a faint sigh of bliss, finally feeling at peace as he began to fall asleep.

An alarm blared from the television, throwing the two into a state of alertness as they sat up, wide-eyed and staring at each other in panic.
The screen flashed between black and white and red, the large letters on the screen signaling it was an emergency broadcast.

"Good evening to all."
A tired voice gave way, and the old man who usually reported the news appeared, his half-moon spectacles reflecting the script-screen.
His eyes didn't twinkle as they usually did, and he looked grim.
His face was pale and he seemed to looks terrified, yet he held his composure.
"There's been a virus outbreak. Many have dropped dead in the streets and have been unaccounted for. Others have turned insane and are cannibalizing each other."

Draco's hand tightened around Harry's, and the shorter man felt fear run through his body as he began to realize what exactly was occurring.
"No way in bloody hell." He whispered, his body jumping into shock as the broadcast continued.

"There has been no-"
Reporter Dumbledore choked on his words and for a moment he broke, his head falling into his hands as he looked into the camera.
"There has been no contact outside of Britain, and the United Nations have made it apparent that they will be dealing with the problem."
His voice trembled as he spoke, and the screen turned black.
White letters appeared, telling all able citizens to take cover or head for shelter.
The signal was soon lost, and the telly turned to static, the words faintly showing on the screen.

"Oh fuck. Oh bloody fuck."
Draco repeated, his pointed, sharp features drawn in horror and his pale skin a ghostly white.
"We- this has to be some sort of joke." Harry assured, grasping into the hand that sat between their bodies.
"Right? Draco..."

The blond looked lost and horrified, as if he couldn't believe what was happening.

Harry felt the claw of anxiety grab at his insides and twist, felt the fear grip at his body as if it would never leave him.
"Oh my god."
Harry stood from the sofa and took to the window, ripping open the curtain as he looked outside the apartment flat.

The street, usually bumbling with people in the streets going about their business, was empty.
Cars were no longer there, yet Harry could see the oncoming traffic from the opposite side of the street.
He saw the fast speeds the cars drove as they went by, going much over the limit that it had been labeled.

He saw a woman dragging her foot and attempting to run, clutching her leg as she went.
His hand laid flat against the window as he began to think about leaving the house to help her.
What if the crazy ones got to her?

She turned her head and he saw it then.
He saw the torn flesh on her face peel and slip off her face.
He saw the bloody, torn muscle underneath.

Harry fell from his place at the window and blanched. He gagged and turned to the side, nearly heaving as he tried to rid the image from his mind.

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