pardon (tomarry)

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Requested by @my_loves_28 !
features mpreg (technically???) and dubcon.

Harry always expected something to happen in his life. He could've met a celebrity, maybe even figured out his life plans.
Instead, he finds out what it's like to be abducted.

It was all he could feel as he ran deeper into the forest.

It was clawing it's way up his throat as the wind rushed by his ears. It was dark, and it was the first time he didn't feel scared of the forest itself the deeper he went in.
His legs felt heavy and there was a tightness in his chest that refused to give way.

He could hear the sounds he left behind. There was a whirring noise, as of the sauced he'd seen not too long was near and settling down.

He was terrified.

Harry knew there was only so much running he could do despite being a football player.
This was so much more different.
Anxiety on the field was nothing compared to running for his life.

His eyes were everywhere. They were scanning- searching for any way out or something that would give him some time.
Then he saw the creek.
It had a small slope, and it would give him some time to catch his breath and crawl away from whatever the hell that thing was.

He slid down to the creek, his hands burning as they dragged down the rough mix of gravel, dirt, and shrubbery. He rolled, but he made no sound as he scrabbled for purchase behind a large fallen log. He tried to catch his breath and rested against the back of the old bark, his chest rising and falling rapidly as his mind ran through the events he'd just seen.

He was out with his friends when it all began to blur together. They'd seen a light overhead from inside their car and decided to pull over only after Harry insisted it wasn't a plane.
He'd gotten out. He was the one that had doomed them all.
He could easily remember the terror on their faces when the object in the sky turned out to be something out of a horror sci-fi film.

It was what Harry decided to call a saucer, but it wasn't like a disk. It was so strange in shape that he didn't know what to call it. The material was dark, yet slightly metallic. He remembered the way the stars had twinkled underneath the saucer, winking at him as it came even closer.

"Harry..." there had been whisper calling him back to the car. He remembered the way Hermione's voice trembled as she slowly got in the vehicle, her hands shaking as she shut the door.

He hadn't been able to move. He didn't know why.

"Mate- get in." Ron had sounded scared. Horribly scared. Harry had never heard him like that.
The ginger had wasted no time in throwing the door open and shoving his tall body into the driver's seat.
"Wow." He'd murmured in awe, and there was a soft light that had shone in his direction.

A small light had flown out of the saucer and struck the ground by his feet, sending dirt flying out in every direction.

"Get in!"

There was the realization that, whatever that thing was, it was not friendly.

He climbed into the car and shut the door, his heart racing wildly.

They'd sped off in less than a second, with Hermione freaking out over Harry's well-being and Ron worried that they were about to die.

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