Publishing This Book

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Hey everyone, its flock. It's been a hot minute. A long while, actually. I'm 18 now, I think I was 14 when I wrote this. I wanna start off that I'm blown away by all the support and love I've gotten over the past years with this book. Everyone telling me it was amazing, that it was an emotional rollercoaster and that I understood the characters. And most of all - that I should publish this.

Now my writing has grown since I wrote this. I'm older now, more mature, I understand love and definitely understand heartbreak. My point of all this is that I will be publishing this book. Granted, I'm rewriting it at the moment with OCs. I want this book to truly be my own.

But since you all got me to this point I want it to be yours too.

So I'm here for 2 things.

1 - To tell you how much you all mean to me through your support and encouragement, and that thanks to you all I'll be publishing this.

2 - I want your thoughts and opinions. What's something I could change, Make better, or other things I can include. Things you'd like to see differently, things I should really keep. I really want your feedback.

I will be replying to comments. Hopefully I'll get some 😅 anyways, don't be afraid to comment! The book is in process and it'll be a while before it's published. But I wanted everyone's feedback. Thanks for the support, we're almost to half a million! Love you guys - flock.

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