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~Sorry for any errors ~

   Frank had a plan. It was a bullshit, half assed, plain stupid plan, but at least he had one. The plan consisted of the following: He would announce his love for Gerard over the intercom, just as he said. He would give him flowers and tell him how much he loves him. He would give Gerard a little poem he wrote, and hopefully with enough begging and pleading, frank would get him back. He planned on starting the day after Mikey gave him permission.

  Which was now today.

  Frank took deep breaths as the bell rang for second period to be let out for first lunch. He quickly made his way to the office. He knew the schedules of how the office ran. He knew that on Thursdays, the principal wasn't on campus. Which means the room with the intercom would be absolutely empty. The desk ladies stayed together the entire day, except for the lunch periods, in which they took turns. The lady currently in the office was the one worker that spent all her time playing crosswords and Sudoku. Frank knew it would be easy to get by her.

  He had stolen a pink nurse's slip from the classroom before hand, knowing that the nurse's office was in the main office. He had a full planned devised, and he was going to blow Gerard away.

  He took one last deep breath before opening the doors. The desk lady looked up, saw the pink slip, and looked back to her word search, pointing down the short hallway.

  "She's in the third room on the left." She said. Frank nodded and smiled even though she wasn't paying attention. He made his way down the hall, until he came to the last room on the right side. He tucked the nurse's slip away and looked to both ends of the hall before opening the cracked door.

  "Yes!" He whispered as he saw the small microphone and the button below it. He walked up to it and steadied his shaking hands. He could get suspended for this, but he didn't care. He needed Gerard back. He pressed down the button and cleared his throat.

  "Hello? Yes, this is quick but I'd just like to say, I, Frank Iero, am in love with Gerard Way. I love him so much, and he means the world to me. I would give anything to-"

  "Mr. Iero!" The desk lady stood at the doorway.

"Hang on, just one more second. I would give anything to be with him right now. He's beautiful, and dark, and mysterious and so goddam gorgeous-"

"Mr. Iero!" The desk lady repeated, raising her voice.

  "Well I have to go," Frank finished, "but everyone needs to know that I'm the problem, not him, he deserves better, and Gerard, I'm really sor-" Frank was cut off by the lady pulling the microphone from his hands.

   "Frank Iero. I suggest you go back to lunch or class before I write you up." She whispered and turned the intercom off. Frank nodded and made his way out of the office. He breathed deeply as he all but ran to the bathrooms. He slung the door open and fell back against it, closing his eyes. He was startled by a loud noise. Frank opened his eyes to find Mikey standing against the sinks, slowly clapping his hands.

  "Wow. A plus, I must say."

  "Why are you smiling?" Frank asked, careful with his attitude. He didn't want to piss Mikey off more than he already had.

  "I liked your little speech." Mikey said. He crossed his arms and laughed. "Too bad Gerard wasn't here to hear it." Frank's heart felt like it dropped ten stories, and he groaned.

  "You're bluffing."

  "Why would I? He probably didn't want to see you."

  "If he's not here, then how'd you get here?" Frank asked.

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