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~Sorry for errors~
Lmao I'm just sorry in general.
You probably won't.

  It had been a few days since frank and Gerard kissed. Gerard finally unblocked Frank's number but that didn't mean they were fully made up quite yet. Gerard was still mad, still upset. And most of all, still incredibly self conscious. Frank on the other hand was ready for it. He knew what he did to Gerard would take a toll on him. He was ready to be whatever Gerard needed. A reassurance, a shoulder to cry on, a punching bag. Whatever made him feel better, whatever made him feel normal again.

Currently, Frank was driving to Gerard's house, sending cute little texts here and there. It was Sunday now, and it was the first time Frank was brave enough to visit the Way household. He still feared Mikey. Mikey was beginning to forgive him. He was still a little iffy though. And Marie? Well she wasn't too fond of frank at the moment, which no one could really blame her. She was basically the boys' mother and she had to look out for them.

Frank looked down briefly at a red light to send Gerard a text.

I've missed you. -)

I make one typo and I never hear the end of it.

Hey! I think it's cute. You're my happy little cyclops.

Yeah... I'm not so sure that nickname works, sunshine 😂

   I love when you call me sunshine. It makes me heart kinda just melt in my chest.

   Stop texting and driving please.

  Frank sighed and tossed his phone onto the passenger seat. He was looking forward to seeing Gerard. He hadn't seen him all weekend, and he needed a hug. More specifically, from him. He needed to be touched by him, whether it was a kiss, a hug, or just a hand comfortingly lying on his shoulder. He needed to know he was back for good. No more hurt, no more secrets, just the truth and them being together. That's all he wanted.

   He pulled into Gerard's driveway, parking the car. He took a deep breath before grabbing his phone and stepping out and walking up to the front door. He knocked on it, hoping Gerard would answer instead of Mikey. But to his luck, of course, it was Mikey.

   "Gerard's in his room." He said as he walked back in. Frank nodded and entered, closing the door behind him. He bit his lip harshly as he eyed Mikey.

   "Listen, so I was wondering. Where do we stand? Like are you still pissed at me or?"

   "I'll let you know when I figure it out." He mumbled, sitting on the couch and picking up the remote. Frank was confused but nodded anyways.

"Why does it smell weird in here?" Frank asked.

"Gerard was stuffing a squirrel earlier in the basement. I think it's finished if you wanna look. But I gotta warn you, it smells bad down there." Frank nodded slightly, looked towards the basement door, and ended up walking up the stairs. He came to Gerard's room and looked in, seeing him lay on the bed playing a video game. He knocked on the door lightly.

"Come in." Gerard said. Frank shut the door and walked over to the bed side.

"Can I sit?" He asked, gesturing to the open space beside Gerard. Gerard shrugged and continued playing his game. He wasn't really in an affectionate mood. Don't let the kiss from Friday fool you, it was meaningful, but they'd both slept since then. They'd thought about it. And Gerard was still iffy. He loved Frank, but he was unsure if he could fully trust him.

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