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Hi. I'm really scared and nervous.

Anyways, it's become very clear to me that either ending I write, people will be unhappy. What I have to say is: deal with it. I feel very proud of this book and I like this ending as much as the other one. So.

Also, there's one more chapter, and then the epilogue so stick around (:

~Sorry for errors~

   Frank ran through the halls, nurses yelling at him as he passed. He nearly bumped into a patient but he dodged them quickly. He wasn't worried about anyone else at the moment. Not even himself. He figured god could come back for the rapture and he still wouldn't care. He only cared about one person, and he still didn't even know if that one person was dead or alive, or just barely hanging on by a thin little thread. Mikey wouldn't answer his calls. That had to be a bad sign. But as he ran down the halls, he tried to think of only one thing: actually getting to him. He had to see him. He felt his chest burn as he ran, and his breathing grew heavier with each step.

Room 213. He just needed to find room 213. He eyed the room numbers as he ran, skimming them quickly. With each number he passed, his heart grew more sick with the intense feeling of dread for what he might find.





213. Finally. He stopped and tried to calm his breathing before he looked in. He finally settled with short quiet breaths, and he crept into the room. He heard the monitor beeping every second or so, and he felt his chest physically relax as stress melted from his body. He rounded the corner to see Mikey standing against the wall with his arms crossed, Marie still in her scrubs, sitting in the chair with her face in her palms, and he saw the end of the medical bed where Gerard's feet were barely poking out, showing blue hospital socks. Frank knocked on the door gently. Mikey perked up and saw Frank. He walked over to him quietly.

"Hey." He whispered.

"How is he? Please tell me he's okay. Why didn't you tell me he got hurt? I didn't even know until-"

   "Frank. Shut the fuck up, okay? Calm down." Mikey said. "As soon as the police showed up last night, Marie and I went. Both of our phones are at home. Second, he's, well physically he's beaten up pretty bad. But he's fine. Emotionally..." Mikey trailed off.

   "What about him?" Frank asked eagerly. Mikey shrugged.

   "I mean, he was self conscious already about his scars, right? But... there's gonna be more."

   "How did it happen?"

   "It wasn't Gerard's fault. The light was green but an eighteen-wheeler ran the red light. Gerard didn't see it. It hit the drivers side." Frank gasped and felt his stomach churn at the thought of it. The picture of Gerard driving peacefully and all of a sudden being hit, it hurt him just to imagine. What hurt even more was that he couldn't let that slow motion image go. He imagined the truck impacting with the car, it all going so fast that Gerard couldn't comprehend it, yet so slow that it was almost sickeningly beautiful. He imagined the car slowly being jerked all at once, the glass shattering as it scattered like diamonds falling from the sky. How the car flipped, if it even did. The world seemingly turning around and sideways and upside down as the earth spun in all different directions, creating a colorful mirage of streetlights and cars. And though it sounded beautiful, it was anything but.

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