Bonus Epilogue - Other Characters

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Hey I'm in a rut with my writing motivation right now but all of you asked about what happened to Mikey, James, etc so here you go.


"Hey." Ray bit his lip nervously as he walked up to Mikey, who was shoving books into his locker. Mikey furrowed his eyebrows a little bit, glancing over at him.

"Hey." He replied, grabbing his Spanish book.

"So listen, I'm really sorry about what I did to Gerard. He's very sweet. And I'm sure you are too." Ray said sincerely. Mikey nodded and slammed his locker shut. He turned to ray and narrowed his black rimmed eyes.

"Why the sudden change of heart? Because he proved himself to you? Because it took multiple broken hearts for you to realize what a dick you are?"

"Yes. I am a dick. I'm awful for what I did. And I truly am sorry."

"Tell that to Gerard."

"I did. He's over there." Ray pointed to where Frank and Gerard stood, chatting casually and occasionally glancing at the two of them. "He's very brave for showing his scars like that. I didn't even know he had them."

"He didn't want people to know." Mikey pulled his backpack straps tighter as he turned back to Ray.

"Well, I understand why. I'm insecure about things too. And I should've realized that he's human. He just paraded around like he wasn't. I guess that's why it made it so easy for me to see past his emotions. But that's not an excuse, and that doesn't make what I did okay by any means."

"Okay? Why are you apologizing to me?"

"Because he's your brother and you got hurt too."

"Why do you care if I got hurt?" Mikey asked, rolling his eyes. "If you're looking for validation, you won't find it with me. What you did was shitty and that's that."

"Mikey!" Gerard said as he walked by, Frank clinging onto his arms. "Hear him out." He whispered to him. Frank nodded at Mikey before they walked off, a teaching yelling after them to stop their PDA, to which Frank only flipped her off after she turned away.

"What?" Mikey asked Ray. "Why are you still here?"

Ray shrugged nervously and shuffled his feet. He bit his lip and took a deep breath.

"I know Max broke up with you a few weeks ago. It was because he moved, right?"

"Yeah. I guess. He also told me that he just didn't feel a strong spark or whatever. It doesn't matter. Why do you care?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Well, I mean I know you probably hate me. And I understand if you do. But we used to talk. And I really did like you. I still do." He breathed. Mikey blinked at him a few times.

"So you set your friend after my brother-"

"Mikey, I'm sorry. I am. Please give me a chance. Just tell me what to do and I'll prove it to you that I mean it. Please?" Ray looked hopeful. Mikey looked around for an answer and noticed James and Wen staring at them while holding hands. Mikey turned to ray sharply.

"Does everyone know you're asking me out?"

"Just my friends." He replied. Mikey looked back to James and Wen who smiled hopefully at him. Mikey rolled his eyes and grumbled. He looked up at ray uncertainly.

"You really do like me?"

"Yes. You're cute and sweet and protective over your brother and I really did enjoy talking to you." He finished. Mikey mulled it over before sighing and nodding.

"Be at my house Friday after school. You get one chance." He said, before walking off to his Spanish class. Ray smiled down at the floor as he thought about what he'd do to win him over.


*19 years later*

"Hey Rosie!" Mikey cooed as he waltzed into the Iero-Way household. Ray followed him, along with a nine year old who was chewing his gum obnoxiously loud.

"Val, would you please be polite? And no horse paying with your cousin." Ray sighed. Gerard came out from the kitchen and Val ran up to him, hugging his waist.

"Hey Val!" He laughed. Val stepped back and smiled as Gerard kneeled down.

"Did you write more about me?!" He jumped. Gerard snickered and nodded. "Am I still the bad guy?!"

"Yep. I still don't know why you wanted to be a bad guy." He laughed.

"Bad guys are awesome. The joker is my favorite, just like you!" He traced a scar on his uncle's face. Gerard giggled and stood up.

"Come on 'Val Velocity', I wanna show you the newest comic panels I wrote. Just for you." He smiled and led Val into his home office. Frank came around the corner all dressed up, out of breath and smiling.

"Thank you guys so much for babysitting. We owe you. We haven't been on a date in a while." He mumbled. Mikey nodded and patted his back.

"Go have fun. I think Val and Rose will get along great. They always do." Ray replied. Frank nodded and walked towards the door.

"What am I forgetting? Car keys, wallet, phone, I don't..."

"Your husband?" Mikey asked. Frank nodded and nervously laughed.

"Gerard! Come on!" He yelled. Gerard shortly rounded the corner and smiled. Val followed, carrying a colorful comic book, eyes wide as he stared at the page in wonder.

"Hey, sunshine." He smiled at Frank. He turned to Ray and Mikey.

"Thank you guys so much. We'll be back by nine."

"Go have fun." Mikey waved as they shut the door. He walked by Val and ruffled his light blonde hair as he made his way to the garden. Ray sat with the kids and looked over the comic book as well while Mikey marveled at all the different colors.

"Amazing." He mumbled, as he looked out at the brilliant array of flowers, along with nice soft fairy lights strung up over the top of the garden. He walked back to the living room and sat down next to Ray, putting his arm around him and leaning against him. He smiled to himself as he placed a small kiss to his shoulder.


Okay Now I'm done. I'm sorry I keep uploading 😂. I swear I'm working on my other books but I have writers block so.
- Sam

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