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Check out what this rad person drew, it's Gerard in this Fic :) (creds to the user in the picture (on instagram))

"We kissed." Frank spoke out quietly as him and James were sat on frank's bed. He though he should fill James in on what the hell was going on. He didn't know what to do, or how to feel. He obviously couldn't go to ray about it, so James was his only hope. And he couldn't go to his mom either, because she had taken a liking to Gerard and would ground frank for life if she knew what he had done to such a sweet boy.

   "You kissed?" James asked, borderline shocked. Frank nodded. He remember the kiss, how fucking soft Gerard's lips were, how they moved so slowly and hesitant at first, as if he was afraid to give in to it. But once he did, he did it with full force. Frank didn't know about Gerard, but he knew that he sure as hell enjoyed it. Their lips moved perfectly together, like they were built exactly to fit the other's. Their lips were simply puzzle pieces, and them together was the big picture. But he refused to let James know that.

   "We kissed. Slowly. And, I liked it. A lot actually. Fuck James I don't know what to fucking do anymore." Frank sighed, falling against his pillows and pulling the blanket to his chest, clutching it tightly.

   "Listen frank, like I said, I don't really like Gerard from what I've heard. But if you're so in love with hi-"

   "Hold the fuck up," frank sat up quickly, throwing his blanket aside. "I am NOT in love with him. I just figured out I like him, but love is a strong fucking word James, and love isn't the word to describe this situation."

    "Okay okay, I'm sorry. Since you like him so much, I think you should go for it."

     "But what about the dare, James? What am I supposed to do?"


    "I can't! I'll have to streak and you know the rules. James, fuck, I don't know if I can keep doing this. You don't see how he looks at me. You don't see how he looks in general when he's not around other people. He's... he's just, perfect."

   James furrowed his eyebrows, going into thought. Surely, there was a way to get frank out of the dare.

    "You really like him don't you?" He asked. Frank nodded.

    "I'm fucked aren't I? I can't hurt Gerard. I can't do it. I won't."

    "Then you need to tell him."

    "I can't! James, he'll hate me. I can't let him hate me."

    "Frank if you keep this going, the further you get into this game, the more it's going to hurt. And not just Gerard, it'll hurt you too. Yeah he'll hate you now, but it'll be even worse later on."

   Frank wanted to punch something. He thought then, he should've never taken that stupid dare. Things would be so much easier for him. He would be sitting with ray and James at lunch, playing their usual shenanigans. Frank would be happy, and normal. He wouldn't be caught up in the tight feeling that resides in his chest, he wouldn't feel that hurt when Gerard mentions his past love. He would be fine.

On the other hand, if he hadn't have taken the dare, Gerard would still be scared. He'd be facading around with his dark look and false murderous personality. He would be sad, and lonely. He would be hiding inside of that shell of his. And so that's why frank was still, even if it was a little bit, thankful for the dare to have taken place.

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