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  Frank walked into history while biting his lip nervously. He kept thinking about his dream from a couple nights ago. It made him feel gross and weird. What kind of teenager has wet dreams about the guy he's afraid of? Frank had a thing for scary things; movies, novels, comics, but people? What kind of freak was frank to have that kind of dream and get turned on by it?

Once he walked in his eyes immediately darted to Gerard who once again, had his nose in his notebook. Frank sat his stuff down quickly in his assigned seat before temporarily taking a spot in front of Gerard since no one sat there.

   "Um.. hi." Frank mumbled nervously. Gerard looked up at frank, showing him a small smile.

   "Hi frank."

   "So, about the other day-"

   "Shh." He pressed a finger to his own lips. "At lunch." Frank nodded and looked down at the notebook.

He was drawing something. It was messy, extremely messy actually, as all of his art was. This particular one creeped frank out more than the others. It looked like a creature, a demon of some sort. It's eyes were pure white and it had what looked like hundreds of sharp teeth, the mouth turned upwards into a twisted smile. It's body was bent backwards, and all of its limbs were bent the opposite direction. Frank shivered and looked back up to Gerard who once again kept distorting his face into different emotions, and his fingers were holding the pencil the same way, like it would break if he were to hold it properly.

   "Is there a reason you're staring at my face like that?" Gerard asked, knocking frank off guard. He didn't mean for it to come out rude. But everything he said did, one way or another.

    "You look so full of emotion when you draw." Gerard blushed but he didn't smile. He just turned his head down further, hiding his face.

    "I don't like people watching me draw." He mumbled.

    "Why not? You should, you look like a human being with actual feelings. I think it suits you." Gerard sat up, faced frank, and smirked.

    "What?" Frank asked.

    "You think I have emotion." Frank smirked back.

    "Oh I know you do."

    "And how exactly would you know that?"

    "You smile sometimes."

    "That doesn't mean I'm happy."

    "Okay well, you laugh."

"A sarcastic laugh."

"You cry." Gerard stopped at that and his heart rate sped.

"I.. I don't cry."

"Sure you do. Everyone does. I cry. You cry."

"No I don't frank." Any trace of Gerard's good mood had vanished. Frank noticed this and became upset. He'd need Gerard in a good mood if he wanted to at least have a friendship. It would make the dare a whole lot easier, anyways.

    "Hey Gerard, it's natural. Everyone cries at some point. It's just nature. No need to be ashamed." Frank smiled warmly at Gerard who in turn, felt a spark of happiness inside him. Even if it was just a little spark. It was definitely there. Frank stood up and sat back down in his own desk. Gerard went back to his drawing, smiling slightly. What frank said had made him feel a little better about what happened the night before.

    As frank sat down, the kid in front of him turned around and whispered to frank.

   "Are you dating him?" He asked, nodding his head towards Gerard. Frank looked at him. He was stiff and his hand gripped the pencil tighter. Frank could tell Gerard heard him, so he played along.

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