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I know you probably got notifications earlier saying I published this. I was editing and clicked publish by accident. But it's here now so yeah sorry about that 😂
Btw, the theme song for this Fic is Paralyzed by The Used. You should listen to it while reading if you want a feel of how the fic goes.

    Frank sat in a dim lit room, the only thing really visible was the weak lightbulb hanging over his head. His eyes were open but he could barely move. I It felt like he was superglued to his chair, unable to even tilt his head. He looked around to see if there was anything to indicate where he might be, a sign, a smell, a taste, anything, but nothing was familiar. Hell, he couldn't even see.

    "Hello?" Frank started to wake up a bit more. He felt like a zombie. He couldn't even feel any emotion. He just felt void.

   "Where am I?" He said a bit louder in hopes someone, anyone could hear him. He started to slowly regain his strength and tried to move. He pulled his hands but nothing happened. Soon he felt something stuck to his face. Plastic, or metal perhaps. Whatever it was, it was heavy and it was cold. He tugged harder to try to feel what was covering his face, but his arms were restrained to the table he was lying on. Metal cuffs ran over his wrists, cold and damp from his sweat.

"Hey! Someone help!" He yelled. Again, nothing. He tried to lift his head to better see exactly what the cuffs that were restraining him looked like. Only, he couldn't lift his head up. At first he thought the metal was too heavy, so he tried even harder. But it was to the point where he was straining his neck so hard that something popped and a pain shot through his head. He sighed and stopped straining, coming to the conclusion that even his head was strapped to the table with metal.

"Someone speak the fuck up or I'll-"

"Or you'll What?" A voice answered back. It was rough and dry, and vile tone dripped off his tongue like venom dripped from a snake's fang.

  "Who are you?"

"Don't you recognize my voice, Frank?" The voice grew closer and suddenly, Gerard's face and white hair was revealed in the dim lighting.

   "What the fuck, why am I here?" Frank asked, obviously afraid. Gerard just smiled.

   "Shh... I'm not here to hurt you. I'm here to make you feel good."

   "What?" Gerard ran a finger from frank's chest all the way down to his jeans. "Do you want me to make you feel good frank?"

  "Why am I tied to a fucking table?!"

   "Because it makes the pleasure more intense. Knowing you can't move. Knowing you can't tense up when you release. You're forced to lie there, restrained, and endure the intensity of it all. It's torture frank, but it's good turture. Because that is what you want, Right?" He leaned down to frank's ear. "For me to torture you. In all the best possible ways." Frank shivered. Though he was extremely scared, he felt a tent rising in his pants, merely from Gerard's words.

"Answer me frank. I can make the pleasure a lot more intense than you'd want. And you don't want that. Do you?"


"But you do want me to pleasure you, right?"

"Yes." Gerard smirked.

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