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As soon as the bell rang when fifth period ended, Frank was on his merry way to Gerard's impala. He was way too happy for his own good, smiling at basically anyone who passed him by. Did he look weird? You bet your sweet ass he did. But he didn't care. He just wanted to go to Gerard's house, lay on his bed, and cuddle up with him. Maybe walk around the greenhouse.

He basically skipped through the halls, taking in the sunshine that shone through the windows on the left side of the hall. It was a pretty day. The flowers were probably flourishing even more by now.

As frank walked closer to the doors that led to the school parking lot, Haydn stopped him.

"Hey!" He said. Frank smiled and stopped. He didn't like the guy at all, but as stated earlier, he was in an all too happy mood.


"Can I talk to you?"

"Uh, I kinda have to meet someone, but sure." Frank mumbled. Haydn nodded and pulled frank over to the side. Frank stared at him confusedly.

"What's up?" Frank asked.

"You're with Gerard now, right?"

"Yeah!" Frank smiled wider. Haydn nodded and bit his lip.

"I've heard some things. If you need help, you can ask for it. He can't hurt you."

"Wait, What?"

"If he's really forcing you into something, do something. Here." He placed a piece of paper in frank's hands. He turned it over and read the numbers


"What's this?" Frank asked.

"The national domestic violence hotline number." He heard a silenced laugh and looked back up at Haydn to see him smirking. Frank felt his insides heat up with anger. He smiled, but he wasn't happy at all. He looked Haydn in the face and crumpled up the piece of paper.

"Fuck you, you disgusting piece of shit." He laughed humorlessly and pulled Haydn's collar to shove the paper down his shirt. Haydn shoved Frank back hard, knocking him into some kid. He turned around to apologize but Mikey was moving around him.

  "Oh sorry Mik-" He apologized. He was cut off when Mikey punched Haydn in the jaw. Haydn held his hand there but stared at Mikey with anger.

  "Don't talk about my brother that way." He stated calmly.

  "Aw defending your sick little boyfriend?" He teased. Mikey didn't look angry. He looked rather calm which surprised frank. It even scared him to a certain degree.

  "I may not be as scary looking as him, but I'm the one you should be afraid of."

  "Oh really? Why's that?"

  "Because I can hurt you far more than he can. There's a reason everyone says he gets arrested. Because he gets caught. Me?..." he backed Haydn against the wall. "I've never been caught."

  "C-caught with what?"

  "When you're good at something, especially with what I do, you never tell people about it. Now fuck off." Mikey shoved Haydn, and he replied by fast walking away. He turned to face frank who was beaming at him.

  "Dude that was amazing! I could kiss you right now!"

"Please don't." He smirked and shook his hand in the air. "That punch kinda hurt like a bitch."

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