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Soooo I lied. There's this chapter, chapter 31 and THEN the epilogue.

There's a reason this one is short and not very detailed. Have fun.

~Sorry for errors~

When do you think he'll learn?

  Learn what?

  That he killed him.

  Who killed who?

  Frank! He killed Gerard, did you not hear?

  Gerard died from the car wreck.

  He was getting better. But what's the use of living if your boyfriend doesn't even love you anymore?

  Oh I see. So Frank really did kill him? Man, he's gonna be sick when he finds out.

  Eh. I think he kind of deserves it. Running out on his boyfriend like that. Gerard had every right to be angry. Maybe if Frank wasn't such a brat, he wouldn't be dead.

I agree. He's probably going to kill himself like some Romeo and Juliet situation. I wouldn't be surprised. He's weak. Weaker than Gerard.

Maybe. He may stay alive though. I personally think Mikey would die before Frank ever does.

Oh imagine Mikey if both Gerard AND Frank dies! What a disaster! Haha!

  What a mess their lives are.

  A complete mess.

  Frank shot up immediately and looked around for the voices, but realized it had only been him dreaming again. He rubbed his face and looked up at Gerard sleepily. He noticed the faint tapping noise coming from somewhere in the room. He furrowed his eyebrows and stood up, walking around the bed and looking around. When he couldn't find anything, he sat back down. Though the tapping didn't cease. He looked around again and noticed Gerard's fingers twitching against the bed railing. Frank sat up on the edge of his seat and lightly ran his fingers over Gerard's.

   "It's okay, love." He heard a soft grunt mixed with a whimper and looked up to Gerard's face which was sweating and screwed up. He opened his eyes slightly, and groaned from the pain.

   "Fuck." He whimpered, squeezing his eyes shut.

   "Mikey!" Frank whispered-yelled over at him. Mikey grunted and sat up.


  "Gerard's awake!" Mikey shot up immediately and nearly tripped over his own feet as he made his way over to the bed.

   "Gerard? You're okay!" He whispered. Gerard slowly opened his eyes again and looked down to his fingers which were being held by frank's. He stared at their fingers for a moment before quickly pulling back.

   "Gerard?" Frank asked, pulling the chair closer.

   "Who... who are you guys?" He asked sadly. Frank felt a sickened feeling reside in his stomach as he stood up from the chair and stood next to him. Gerard flinched back and groaned, gripping his side.

   "Gerard it's.. it's Frank. I'm your boyfriend." He whispered. He reached out for Gerard's hand but Gerard just turned away even more.

   "I'm your brother." Mikey said, tears already running down his face. He gripped the railings so his weak legs wouldn't give out. They were shaking as he cried over his brother. Gerard just groaned again, blinking a tear away.

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