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"I can't fucking believe you guys." Frank raged as he ran back to the guys as soon as the bell rang.

"You did it man. Respect." Ray nodded proudly.

"Yeah. You looked scared half to death but you did it." James added. Frank rolled his eyes and walked back to class. He looked back briefly to see Gerard talking with Mikey. Mikey smiled at him but Gerard just stared at him, almost angrily. They finally just hugged. Gerard whispered something in his ear and Mikey punched him playfully in the shoulder. Frank turned back and tugged on Ray's jacket.

  "Hey, did you see that?" Frank asked. Ray shook his head. "Some waycest shit just went down." Ray snorted and started laughing.


     "Way - incest." Ray laughed at that. James had barely heard it, but he laughed as well. They all walked together till they reached the end of the hall. Ray and James entered their Spanish class and Frank said his goodbyes as he walked upstairs to his history class.

   Once he was in the room, he flinched. Gerard was already in there. Frank kept his eyes on him as he sat down three seats to the left of him where his assigned seat was. He looked Gerard over, noticing his eyebrows furrow in concentration as he scribbled the page. He watched his hand movements that were almost delicate. Graceful even. His facial expressions would change every couple seconds, depending on what he was drawing. This puzzled frank. It was odd to see Gerard with anything other than a smirk or an 'I'm going to fucking castrate you' look. Even now, his eyebrows were drawn together, his mouth slightly open, almost as if he was sad. That really shocked frank. Finally, Gerard slammed his notebook shut and turned to him. And his face had shown zero traces of the emotion it was sporting before.

  "Are you gonna stop staring or do I need to sew your fucking eyes shut?" Frank definitely was terrified of that statement, but still made an effort to explain his actions, even through the nervous stuttering.

   "It's just, you were far behind me in the hall. How are you already in here?"

   "There are four stairways in this school that all lead upstairs. You walk to the farthest one from the cafe, I assume it's so you can talk to Ray for longer. I take the closest one. Now, stop fucking staring." Frank nodded and quickly faced forward. He pulled out his phone and clicked on Ray's contact.

   If I'm murdered in the next 24 hours, Gerard did it.

    What happened now lol

   He threatened to sew my eyelids shut if I didn't stop staring.

    Well... did you stop ?

    Of course.

    Then I don't see the issue here.

    The issue is that I'm fucking creeped out. And you have no room to talk, you're cozied up in Spanish with James eating plantain chips.

   No actually the teacher handed out these jalapeño suckers instead.

    Fuck you.

    Stop being a whiny bitch. He's creepy but he's just that. Creepy. He's a loser alright? He's not gonna murder you, at least not in the middle of class. Calm down. I'll see you after school

   Fine. Okay.

  Frank slid his phone back into his pocket and endured the rest of class, hopefully staying under Gerard's radar as he silently looked over at him most of the class. He couldn't help it, his face was just so... interesting.

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