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After Gerard's confession, frank had led Gerard outside into the grass to sit down. It took some convincing but he managed to talk Gerard out of putting his sweatshirt back on. Gerard laid back in the grass while frank laid next to him, propping his head up with his fist. He traced his fingers over the scars.

   "Are they just on your upper body?" Frank asked, looking to Gerard who had stopped his nervous shakes but still had a fast heartbeat.

   "They're all over."

   "Like... all over?" Gerard nodded up at the sky. He hadn't looked frank in the eyes since they walked outside. He was too afraid to. He was too afraid of what might happen. Too afraid of what he might see in them.

    "Oh.." frank snuggled up closer, pressing his cheek to Gerard's warm skin. He sighed, still tracing his finger around. "Can I ask you something?"


  "You said you had a helmet on... why aren't there scars on your neck?"

   "There are. I use makeup." Frank tilted his head to look at his neck and sure enough, the sweat had made the makeup rub off, only barely, to reveal one scar. He noticed how Gerard wouldn't look at him, so frank reached his hand up to cup his face.

"Hey." He whispered Gerard closed his eyes and tilted his head in frank's direction.


   "Please look at me."

  "I'm scared." He whispered out, a tear sliding down his face. Frank wiped the tear away and leaned up to kiss Gerard on the lips. He was shocked at first, but immediately fell into the younger, wrapping his arms around him and holding him tight. He thought maybe, just maybe frank wouldn't leave.

   "You are absolutely amazing." Frank said, breaking the kiss.

"I'm not a fan of liars." Gerard mumbled, opening his eyes slightly.

"I'm not lying. God, you're fucking gorgeous, can't you see that?" Frank asked desperately. He wanted Gerard to see his own beauty so badly. Frank didn't think he could ever care this much for another person. He didn't just like Gerard now, he wanted to protect him. To keep him safe from all the rumors and the kids at school. To keep him hidden from the mean words and the dirty glares.

"No. I can't." Gerard sighed, loosening his grip. Frank laid his head down on Gerard's chest, letting the older wrap his arms around him. His left arm was even with frank's face, so frank stared at the scars that littered his skin.

    It was no secret that Gerard saw this, so he tensed up quite a bit. He knew he could trust frank, but even he didn't like his scars. How could frank?

     "They're beautiful." Frank said softly, repeating what he had said earlier. Gerard didn't reply.

     "Every one of them. Each and every mark." He mumbled. Gerard mentally scoffed. He knew frank was just saying that to make him feel better.

  But that wasn't the case. Frank really did think his scars were beautiful.

  So he kissed one of them.

  Gerard gasped quietly as frank's lips came in contact with the healed skin. His grip on frank tightened a bit, not wanting to let go. He was enjoying this too much. He liked how he was being treated.

   Frank took his lips off of one scar and placed them on another on his arm, kissing each and every one of them like it was an actual person that needed love and care. And it made Gerard's heart melt.

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