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Hi Frankie -)

God dammit I fucking hate keyboards.

Hi Flower 🌸


Your name. I'm gonna call you flower.

... stop. I don't like blushing in class.

You're in the classroom already?

Yes. And I'm waiting on you. Hurry up :(

Don't worry, I'm omw.

Frank tucked his phone away as he passed ray in the hallway. Ray grabbed frank's shoulder and pulled him aside.

"Dude where the hell have you been? You've been text M.I.A. for days. And you never answered my question. Did you screw him?" Ray asked, looking at frank expectedly. Frank looked towards his history classroom which was only about fifty feet down the hall. He turned back to ray.

   "Um, I've been working on the dare. And no I didn't fuck him." Frank mumbled out. He wanted to tell ray about the cheek kiss, but he didn't know how he would react. James said he would react badly, then it hit him. He could just tell James. James would understand, he would help him.

    "Cool, hows it coming along? Do you think he'll fall in love?" Ray asked. Frank nodded.

    "Definitely. He's trusting me so much."

    "With what?"

   Frank thought for a moment. He made promise to Gerard that he'd never tell anyone about anything. About his real self, about his greenhouse. He wouldn't tell a soul, and he wanted to keep that promise. He figured he owed Gerard that much.

    "Just secret things." Frank shrugged. Ray scowled and crossed his arms.

    "Frank, we aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other. You're supposed to tell us what's going on with the dare. It's always been that way."

    "Okay but listen, hear me out, what if it's a really big secret and I promised Gerard I wouldn't tell?"

    "Is it murder?"

    "What? No."


    "No! Christ, Ray..." Frank's phone vibrated.

   Are you coming? The bell just rang.

   "Shit, okay listen, what if Gerard isn't even that bad?"

    "Has he brain washed you?"

    "No! He's just.. never mind. Forget I said anything. I'll just tell you if I find anything out about him." Ray nodded and walked to class, as did frank. He was sulking along the way. He had made the quick decision to keep all of Gerard's secrets away from ray, at least for the time being. James was right, he wouldn't be understanding. He would only make jokes or freak out. But James wouldn't. He would understand. Frank pulled his phone out as he was walking.

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